AEW Rewind: Danielson’s American Dragon, Cage Calls Miro, Plus!


Don’t have time to follow all of AEW’s online content? Do not worry. We’ve got you covered with the AEW Rewind, which will rewind last week’s social media tracks and YouTube videos to get you ready for Wednesday night. Dynamite.

“Road to AEW Dynamite, NJ,” announced Shawn Spears versus Darby Allin, Jade Cargill versus Leyla Hirsch, Bryan Danielson arriving on scene and Adam Cole versus Frankie Kazarian. Spears plans to exploit Allin’s weakness as a lonely boy. The impetus for the women’s game was Cargill taking out Hirsch from the Casino Battle Royale. With a victory from Jade, she plans to go for the title. Danielson is excited to show the American Dragon, who is more vicious, more violent, ready to head butt and get people out. Cole will beat Kaz within an inch of his life.

Meanwhile, Kaz has a deep desire to get rid of Cole.

Brian Cage has business with Ricky Starks. Once that is settled, Cage looks to step on Miro for the TNT title. Yes please. I will gladly take two servings of this fight.

For the story beats on Elevation and Dark, Jade Cargill and Leyla Hirsch were on fire to make the buzz about their singles fight Dynamite. Hirsch is going to put Cargill’s bitchy ass in place.

After Hirsch triumphed against the KiLynn King skyscraper, Cargill attempted to escalate the hostility. Hirsch shot an out, but Cargill reversed punches to take the top spot before the referees intervened.

It’s a perfect use of these YouTube shows for a quick build to improve anticipation towards Dynamite. In addition, it gives a reason to be concerned about Elevation and Dark in the future, because stories could be brewing at any time. For example, the following two promotional packages.

After Big Swole won the Three Strikes match last week by knocking out Diamante, she plans to move up the charts. Diamante will not let this loss slip away. Their bad blood will never be over.

Sonny Kiss is going to show us that Joey Janela is a shit loser. Janela claimed that would be the end of Kiss. Time will tell who is right.

Calling FIFA video game fans. AEW is in the middle of a locker room tournament.

Brandi Rhodes’s cooking show returns with a new episode on Thursday.

Chris Jericho’s Cruise added Abadon, Shawn Spears, Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, Jamie Hayter and Marko Stunt to the list.

Be the elite

“Catching Up” – Being the Elite, Ep. 273 (here), featured:

  • The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega had to explain to the resurrected Adam Cole that they are no longer called the Bullet Club. They also explained to Cole that Cody Rhodes is a reality TV judge and trains AEW. The Elite laughed at being three modern day Ric Flairs. Cole wanted to catch up with Hangman Page, but the Bucks didn’t tell him the complicated story. After Cole left, the Elite discussed how to explain to Cole that they are now villains. Omega was planning ways to stay longer than Cole to keep his place at the top.
  • Due to canceled flights, the Bucks and Brandon Cutler took a road trip to Cincinnati through a rain storm.
  • Drunk John Silver was delighted to see Anna Jay again. He informed her of the current drama of the Dark Order.
  • Jungle Boy rolled over in the pool.
  • 2point0 was snooping around Wheeler Yuta’s bag for a hair product on how he upgraded his hair to be so black.
  • New BTE champion! Matt Lee defeated Marko Stunt in Sudden Death 10 Round of Blackjack. Renée Paquette made her BTE debut walking innocently in the background.
  • In Ryan Nemeth’s latest cream film, he lamented the lost love with flashbacks of cream.
  • Best Friends watched a tape of Kris Statlander losing to Dr Britt Baker DMD. She lashed out at Yuta and suffocated him.
  • Dynamite Elite highlights with Bryan Danielson coming in for Omega.

We’ll end with a cool Jon Moxley shirt with a modified Cincinnati Cyclones hockey team logo.


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