Tunisia slams Zimbabwe rugby team for sleeping on the street above the hotel


TUNIS – The Tunisian Rugby Federation on Wednesday criticized the Zimbabwean national team for unsporting behavior after sleeping on the street protesting against the hotel where it was installed.

The Sands of Zimbabwe will face Tunisia on Saturday Beja, 100km west of Tunis, as part of the qualifying process for the Rugby World Cup 2019.

The former minister of Sports David Coltart said Tuesday that Zimbabwe players were sleeping on the streets in Tunisia.

Photographers showed players lying on a pavement with blankets and their luggage

Tunisian rugby authorities fought back in a statement released on Wednesday.

"The Tunisian Rugby Union strongly deplores the anti-sports and anti-ethical measures of the Zimbabwean delegation," said the Tunisians.

"The delegation of Zimbabwe began to complain upon their arrival" when the leader of the elegance refused to pay the 20 euros per person for the visas of entry to the airport of Tunis.

Tunisians said it caused a four hour delay at the airport on Monday before the head of the delegation was finally convinced.

After the arrival of Zimbabweans at the hotel in the city of Beja, the head of the delegation "expressed reservations about the state of the bathroom in one. rooms, lack of pool and low speed internet ", Tunisians said.

In protest, the head of the delegation then drove the team outside to sleep on the street until dawn when they were transferred to a hotel more prestigious at 40 kilometers. Subscribe to the IOL Sport Newsletter!

"The Tunisian Rugby Union expresses its deep regret for this unfortunate event and deeply deplores the anti-sports and unethical actions of the Zimbabwean delegation" said the statement.

confirms through this press release that Tunisia is, and will always be, a country of hospitality, always tried and proud. "

Coached by Peter de Villiers, the South African lost last weekend in Kenya -36) and currently sits third among the six countries competing in qualifying

The team rugby de Sables imagined sleeping in the streets of Tunis, Tunisia Photo: @rickinzim on Twitter

The Zimbabwean official who criticized Tunisia's treatment of the sands also denounced the lack of funding for the project. team

The Tunisian Rugby Federation also has limited financial means.

sleeping in a two-star hotel next to the one that Zimbabweans were complaining about, said technical director Samir Ben Magtouf, who pointed out that There was no difference in the way they were treated.

However, their hotel gets a little more favorable online reviews than the one that Zimbabweans slept on outside. 19659002] Agence France-P resse (AFP)

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