SA is in the top 100 for broadband speed


DURBAN – South Africa ranked in the top 100 countries in the world for broadband speed according to's Speed ​​League report

The report uses data from Measurement Lab (M-Lab), the world's largest open data provider. M-Lab is the fruit of a collaboration between the Open Technology Institute of New America, Google Open Sources, PlanetLab of Princeton University and other supporting partners.

Data were calculated during the period of June 2017 and May 2018 and were compared at the same time in the previous year to establish the change from one year to the other. Broadband speeds.

More than 200 countries were included in the list with important metrics, including average download speeds and unique IP addresses.

Broadband Speed ​​in South Africa

Although South Africa ranks among the top 100 countries in the world for broadband speed, it remains lower than world average of 9.10 Mbps.

In comparison with other African countries, only Madagascar and Kenya are ahead of South Africa.

The average download speed has increased by 2% compared to 2017 and has also increased two places in the rankings.

South Africa ranked 76th on the list and in 2017 it was ranked at 80.

Here is a chart that shows South Africa's ranking on the list as well as the 5 countries that are at the head of South Africa:

Standings Country Downloading
Unique IPs Nomadic Years
71 Bosnia and
7.37Mbps 22 413 + 0.37%
72 Panama 7.05 Mbps 3111 + 4, 75%
73 Puerto Rico 6.88 Mbps [19659017] 5,462 + 0.44%
74 Montenegro 6.74Mbps 6,946 + 0.89%
75 Vietnam 6.72 Mbps 22,055 + 1.26%
76 South Africa [19659017] 6.38 Mbps 643.816 + 2.02%
77 G 6.25 Mbps 3 396 + 0.39%
78 Uruguay 6.19 Mbps 5 452 + 4.88%
79 St. Kitts and Nevis 6.12 Mbps 144 + 4.40%
80 Curacao 5 , 99Mbps 700 + 4.00%
81 Sri Lanka 5.84Mbps 6,983 +2, 01%

The top 10

The top on the list included countries like Singapore and Sweden which kept their ranking at the top of the list.

Luxemborg recorded a huge 19.62% increase in average download speed and climbed 25 places to number 8.

The United States was ranked at 20 and was behind European and Asian countries as Hungary, Japan and Spain.

Here is a table of the top 10 countries on the list:

Standings Country Download
Unique IP Change
1 ] Singapore 60.39 Mbps 128 458 + 5,26%
2 Sweden 46.00 Mbps 79,884 + 5.84% [19659020] 3 Denmark 43.99Mbps 19.650 + 10.45%
4 Norway 40.12Mbps 12.282 + 10.99% [19659020] ] Romania 38.60Mbps 58,274 + 17,24%
6 Belgium 36.71Mbps 56,527 +9 , 34%
7 The Netherlands 35.95Mbps 295,412 + 2.43%
8 Luxembourg 35.14Mbps 3,667 [19659016] +19, 62%
9 Hungary 34.01Mbps 129 8 98 + 10,85%
10 Jersey 30.90Mbps 1,107 + 7.60%

The fastest network in South Africa

According to My Broadband Mobile Quality Report, MTN is the fastest mobile network. MTN has an average download speed of 22.22 Mbps and an average download speed of 10.07 Mbps.

The data was collected via the Android Speed ​​Test Editor. The application tested 113,000 tests of 8250 users during the measured period.

Second, after MTN was Vodacom. The network had an average download speed of 21.63 Mbps and an average download speed of 8.3 Mbps.

Telkom was in third place followed by Cell C. Telkom recorded 15.35 Mbps download and 4.44 Mbps download.

While Cell C had an average download speed of 14.05 Mbps and an average download speed of 6.25 Mbps.

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