MGP Ingredients (MGPI) to buy at ValuEngine


 MGP Ingredients Inc. logo "title =" MGP Ingredients Inc. logo "clbad =" full-size companylogo "/> ValuEngine declbaded shares of <span style= MGP Ingredients (NASDAQ: MGPI) of a strong -buy rating to a purchase note in a report released Thursday morning

MGPI has been the subject of several other research reports: BidaskClub has updated shares of MGP Ingredients one year ago. conservation rating at a purchase note in a research note on Tuesday, May 22. In a research note, on Wednesday, May 2, Investment Research ranked the shares of MGP Ingredients from a credit rating to a strong market rating, and two of them awarded a rating MGP Ingredients currently holds a Hold trust rating and an average target price of $ 87.33

MGP Ingredients shares opened Thursday at $ 91.93, reports MarketBeat.month high of $ 99.73 The company has a quick ratio of 1.24, a ratio of 4, 31 and a debt ratio of 0.18. The stock has a market capitalization of $ 1.55 billion, a price / earnings ratio of 50.51, a price / earnings ratio of 2.92 and a beta of 1.05.

MGP Ingredients (NASDAQ: MGPI) last published its quarterly results on Wednesday, May 2nd. The company reported earnings per share of $ 0.52 for the quarter, compared to a consensus estimate of $ 0.53 ($ 0.01). MGP Ingredients had a return on equity of 18.46% and a net margin of 11.83%. The company achieved a turnover of $ 88.00 million during the quarter, against $ 92.80 million for badysts. During the same quarter last year, the company earned EPS of $ 0.50. The revenue of MGP Ingredients for the quarter is up 0.9% from the same quarter last year. Equity research badysts expect MGP Ingredients to post earnings per share of 2.1 for the current year.

Incidentally, Vice President David E. Dykstra sold 300 shares of the company during a transaction that occurred on Friday, May 11th. The shares were sold at an average price of $ 88.01, for a total value of $ 26,403.00. Following the conclusion of the transaction, the Vice-President now directly holds 40,933 shares of the Company, valued at approximately $ 3,602,513.33. The sale has been disclosed in a filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available via this link. In addition, director Karen Seaberg sold 1,075 shares of the company during a transaction that occurred on Tuesday, April 24th. The shares were sold at an average price of $ 93.17, for a total transaction of $ 100,157.75. Following the completion of the transaction, the director now holds 11,241 shares of the Company, valued at $ 1,047,323.97. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. Insiders sold a total of 101,776 shares valued at $ 8,970,981 during the last quarter. Corporate insiders own 22.19% of the company's shares.

Several major investors have recently changed their holdings in the company. Denver Investment Advisors LLC increased its position in MGP Ingredients shares by 5.5% in the first quarter. Denver Investment Advisors LLC now owns 12,654 shares of the Company valued at $ 1,134,000 after purchasing 657 additional shares in the last quarter. UBS Group AG increased its position in MGP Ingredients shares by 11.5% in the first quarter. UBS Group AG now holds 6,492 shares of the company valued at $ 581,000 after purchasing 670 additional shares in the last quarter. Schwab Charles Investment Management Inc. increased its position in MGP Ingredients shares by 1.2% in the first quarter. Schwab Charles Investment Management Inc. now holds 66,538 shares of the Company valued at $ 5,962,000 after purchasing 801 additional shares during the last quarter. Geode Capital Management LLC increased its position in MGP Ingredients shares by 0.7% in the fourth quarter. Geode Capital Management LLC now holds 117,978 shares of the Company valued at $ 9,070,000 after purchasing 817 additional shares in the last quarter. Lastly, the Swiss National Bank increased its position in MGP Ingredients' shares by 5.2% in the first quarter. The Swiss National Bank now holds 20,400 shares of the company valued at $ 1,828,000 after buying 1,000 additional shares in the last quarter. Institutional investors hold 99.64% of the shares of the company.

About MGP Ingredients

MGP Ingredients, Inc., and its affiliates, produce and supply distilled spirits and specialty wheat proteins and food-based food ingredients. starch. It operates in two segments, Distillery Products and Ingredient Solutions. The distillery product segment provides food grade alcohol for beverage applications including bourbon and rye whiskeys, as well as seed-based spirits, including vodka and gin; and food grade industrial alcohol, which is used as an ingredient in foods, personal care products, cleaning solutions, pharmaceuticals and various other products.

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