So, 2019 started with one of the most bizarre celebrities
US lawmakers confirmed that Tesla's legal team could badign banks to testify. If they serve it with papers, 212 The singer will have no choice but to testify at the trial.
It has been reported by dizzy Banks does not have to appear in court, but will be required to provide plaintiffs with documents – such as written statements and their own social media publications – for review. However, this enmity is unpredictable and a confrontation on the dock of defendants remains possible.
What is the connection between Azealia Banks and Elon Musk?
If ever a story needed context, it's: Banks worked with Musk's girlfriend – the musician "Grimes" – last September. They were at the home of Tesla's founder when he sent a joke about placing his company on the stock market at $ 420 a share – this figure is a popular reference in weed growing.
The US Securities and Exchange Commission accused Tesla's president, Elon Musk, of securities-related fraud in September, alleging that he had misled investors last month in tweets about the privatization of the society.
Tesla Stock Quotes
His mischievous game sent swings, only to collapse again. His small waterfall is considered a form of fraud and he is currently in a very hot water. Meanwhile, after publicly announcing that Musk was raised at the time, Azealia Banks could now play a bigger role.
It has long been suspected that the couple could be face to face in a courthouse, and that's what Azealia Banks himself has planned. When she published the post-emblematic "Apartheid Clyde" in reference to the Pretoria-born Musk, she also predicted that her summons was in the mail.
With such foresight, she could get a job at Tesla!
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