A glass of wine with dinner is good for you


In recent months, alcohol has taken up all the space.

Many experts have stated that there is no safe alcohol that you can drink regularly without harming your health.

 There is a lot of confusion around the actual harmfulness of alcohol for us

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There is a lot of confusion around the actual harmfulness of alcohol for us

Even red wine – which we thought was good for our heart – does not make the cut. Apparently, the negative effects of alcohol outweigh its benefits in terms of antioxidants.

But Richard Hoffman, a lecturer in nutritional biochemistry at the University of Hertfordshire, suggests writing alcohol completely to the point of losing one's sight.

In fact, he suggests that alcohol consumption could be beneficial.

"No one disputes the fact that many people drink too much alcohol," he wrote for The Conversation.

 But there is a difference between a glbad of wine at night and spending a few hours a week soaking in a bar

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But there is a difference between a glbad of wine at night and spending a few hours a week soaking in a bar

"The controversy is about the safety of low levels of consumption.There is now good evidence that the risks in relation to the benefits of alcohol are strongly influenced by the type of alcohol and how it is eaten" .

He says that when the consumption of alcohol is spread over the week, "the number of deaths due to any cause is lower than when the same amount of alcohol is drunk only one or two days a week" .

When you make excessive consumption of alcohol, the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream is at its maximum; it is at this point that the body begins to break down alcohol in a way that can be harmful to the body by releasing free radicals and increasing the risk of cancer.

Richard suggests that most of these alcohol studies simply evaluate the amount of alcohol drunk during the week, instead distinguishing consumption patterns.

 Excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to problems such as cirrhosis of the liver ... which, in turn, can cause liver cancer

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Excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to problems such as cirrhosis of the liver … which, in turn, can cause liver cancer

"The consumption of alcohol during a meal also has a great influence on the effects of alcohol on health because foods slow down the emptying of the stomach, which lowers the concentration of alcohol in the blood.

"And when alcohol is consumed as part of a Mediterranean diet, it seems to present less cancer risk than most other ways of consuming alcohol."

This, he says, is due to the number of nutrients present in the Mediterranean diet that reduce the potentially carcinogenic effects of alcohol.

"It is now widely accepted that the health effects of a food or an individual nutrient can only be badessed in the context of the overall diet, but this understanding is sometimes lost in the past. 39; development of guidelines for alcohol consumption. "

Okay, as we said at the beginning, we are no longer supposed to see wine as an antihypertensive drug. But Richard asks the question.

He says that drinking small amounts of wine has always been badociated with reducing the risk of premature death rather than total badfeeding.

"A unit of alcohol in the wine drank slowly during a meal results in a concentration of alcohol in the blood less than that of an alcohol unit taken in a single sip of alcohol on an empty stomach.

 Mediterranean diets often include wine

Getty – Contributor

Mediterranean diets often include wine
Apothic Wines shows you how to prepare this season's must-win red wine latte

"It is unclear whether the benefits of drinking wine – and especially red wine – are due to this more informal drinking or to the many antioxidants in wine (substances that are supposed to protect cells from damage).

"Some public health experts firmly believe that to prevent the harms of abuse, alcohol must be declared" drugs "of abuse. However, taken in moderation, alcohol reduces cardiovascular disease or even dementia. It may therefore be more appropriate to consider alcohol as it was a pharmaceutical drug. "

When we take medications, we are told exactly how much to consume and warn of the dangers of overdose. Nobody would suggest that you take all of your pills on a Friday night … lest a healthy drug become potentially life threatening.

"Similar precautions must also be used to take advantage of alcohol," says Richard.

"Most nutrients, saturated fats with many vitamins, have safe upper limits, and exceeding these limits can be harmful – these limits reflect the body's ability to metabolize nutrients safely. produces the poison.

"Of course, some people, such as pregnant women and people who produce high concentrations of acetaldehyde, a carcinogen, when they metabolize alcohol, should completely avoid drinking alcohol.

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"But current evidence suggests that for those who choose to drink, the benefits of moderate consumption at meal times (wine with a Mediterranean-style meal, preferably) outweigh the risks.

"Making a clear distinction between excessive consumption of alcohol and moderate consumption at meal times can help dispel confusion and allow alcohol to take the proper place in a fashionable way. of healthy life. "

So maybe you do not quit your habit of having dinner in Rijoa right now.

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