A Japanese startup will present the first artificial meteorite rain in the world by 2020


 Japanese startup to present the first artificial show of meteors ...

"Can we pretend that planes in the night sky are like shooting stars?" Hayley Williams of Paramore may have not sang these lines in BoB Airplanes' famous rap track if it was only ten years into the future, because a Japanese start-up, ALE Co., is preparing to offer its paying customers shooting stars on demand ".

According to a report by the Japan Times, this Tokyo-based startup is developing two microsatellites that, when deployed in space, will release tiny balls that glow when they enter. in the atmosphere and simulate a meteor shower. . The first microsatellite is expected to go up in space on a rocket launched by the country's space agency in March 2019, and the second, on a private sector rocket in mid-2019.

"We are targeting the whole world because our shooting star stocks will be in space and can be delivered around the world," said Lena Okajima, general manager of ALE. According to the company, each microsatellite will be able to carry 400 tiny beads, which should be enough for 20-30 events. The microsatellites themselves should have a shelf life of 2 years in the space. The chemical used to make them shine is a business secret.

ALE Co. also flirts with the idea of ​​reusing satellites that are already in space and that are not operational to create "giant" shooting stars. "We plan to push a used satellite into the atmosphere in a targeted orbit to create a giant artificial shooting star," said ALE Chief Engineer, Ko Kamachi, adding that the The idea was still in the research phase.

The first test of the original "shooting stars on demand" plan should take place over the city of Hiroshima, a location chosen by ALE Co. specifically for its weather, landscape and context cultural ideals. The initial tests are estimated to have a budget of $ 20 million.

 Quotation | Digit.in

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