A NASA spacecraft exposed on the White House lawn


DC, The Last Frontier

A spaceship landed on the White House lawn Monday – but no laser was fired at the Oval Office.

The Orion, NASA's hope for human travel in the exposed space as part of the presentation of President Trump's product Made in America.

"And NASA, as you know, is really in a position that has not been in the decades," Trump said.

The commander-in-chief in June called on the Pentagon to create a "space force" as a new branch of the US military.

Trump also praised private research on spaceflight on Monday, like billionaire Elon. The SpaceX program of Musk, and says that he would like private researchers to badociate with NASA.

"For some reason, rich people love rockets." The Orion, developed by Lockheed Martin, was tested for the first time in 2014. Orion's project director, Michael Haws, and NASA's director, Jim Bridenstine, were present for the event, as well as an F-35 fighter, BWP baseball bats, and a Ford F-150 pickup truck.

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