Alternatives to Windows 10 if you're tired of broken updates


Microsoft's Windows operating system remains the the most popular in the world and will likely retain this position for the foreseeable future.

Despite this, the latest version of Windows is not without flaws.

Windows 10 continues to gain popularity among desktop users, but it has also caused users a lot of frustration because of major bugs and problems with updates.

A number of problems with the operating system have led Microsoft promising to improve the quality updates delivered to Windows 10.

One of the most important issues that occurred recently under Windows 10 was the launch of the October 2018 update.

The update was launched with a major bug that deleted user files once it has been installed, prompt Microsoft to extract the update and resolve the problem.

Another major problem with Windows 10 has recently been unearthed, preventing users from define Win32 applications as the default program for certain types of files.

If you're tired of falling in love with the problems of Windows 10, you can use two major alternatives: Linux and MacOS.


Linux-based operating systems are free alternatives to Windows 10, available in different distributions.

The term "Linux" technically refers to the core or main program of an operating system, but it is often used as a shortcut for any operating system using Linux.

Besides the obvious advantages of being free and open source, the vast library of available Linux distributions means that most users must find a version of the operating system that meets their needs.

Popular Linux distributions that feature Windows-like interfaces include Ubuntu, Mint, and Manjaro, although there are various other projects, including an actively developed project. desktop version of the Android operating system.

The installation of Linux is simple, especially for popular distributions such as Mint and Ubuntu.

Users can visit a secure website hosting the distribution and download the ISO file for their destination system.

It is important to note that even though the most common Linux distributions are compatible with a wide variety of hardware, it is still a good idea to check for compatibility issues before installing.

Linux, however, fails to run Windows 10 in its ability to run games and some software suites, because there are more games compatible with Windows than titles running properly under Linux.

Valve works to bring thousands of new games to Linux via its Steam Play program to counter that.

Linux on a dark background


For most desktop users, Windows 10 and Linux are the only options available for their hardware configuration, although there is a third option if you want to buy new hardware.

MacOS is considered an exceptional operating system and has far fewer problems than Windows 10 due to its closed hardware ecosystem.

The operating system is exclusive to Mac devices and is free when you buy a laptop or Apple desktop.

Apple's ecosystem also supports impressive features between its hardware devices, allowing iPhone users to easily sync files and data between their Mac and iPhone.

Users who can not or will not buy a MacBook or Mac desktop, but still want to use MacOS on Windows 10 can also create their own "Macs".

These users can build PC Hackintosh with compatible hardware and install MacOS on these to mimic the hardware and software experience of an Apple device.

It is important to note that these configurations do not comply with Apple's general operating system requirements and that they will not provide as seamless a standard installation experience.

Apple iOS MacOS

Now read: Steam Play for Linux now lets you play more than 2,600 Windows games

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