Amplats, PIC to invest $ 200 million in PGM Venture Capital Fund


THE research for other platinum group metal (PGM) markets was raised several notches by Anglo American Platinum (Amplats) which will invest $ 100 million in two venture capital funds focused on technological innovation using metal. 19659002] The listed subsidiary of Anglo American will be joined by a public badet manager, Public Investment Corporation (PIC), which will match the $ 100 million commitment from Amplats. The funds will be managed independently by AP Ventures led by Andrew Hinkly, a former employee and member of the Amplats executive committee with a history of venture capital.

The first fund will continue to manage the existing development projects of Amplats that have been developed The Hinkly Charge. The second search for new projects in areas such as hydrogen infrastructure, fuel cell electric mobility, energy storage platforms and water treatment solutions. Based in the UK, AP Ventures will open an office in Johannesburg. "The world needs solutions to global challenges such as the integration of renewable energy, the scarcity of resources and a growing world population," Hinkly said in a press release. "The technologies powered by the MGP provide solutions to these problems in areas such as hydrogen infrastructure, fuel cell electric mobility, water purification and medical devices." APTours is the only fund of its kind to offer investors "Our experience and industrial network, combined with the support of leading Anglo American Platinum and PIC investors, means that we have a strong portfolio of existing investments as well In 1965, the platinum market was in the middle of late 2011, while it was trading at just under $ 1,000 an ounce more than ] than its current price. PGMs have been under particular pressure over the past month as fears of a tariff war between the United States and a number of other countries intensify. Analysts are wondering if the war will materialize, but it will certainly affect sentiment in the GMP market.

In the face of this volatility, there is a good chance that South Africa's production will decrease. The likely restructurings at Impala Platinum and Lonmin, baduming its successful recovery by Sibanye-Stillwater, could remove up to 700,000 ounces a year of new production, according to estimates from a Bank of America Merrill Lynch report. earlier this year.

Demand remains difficult to anticipate given the uncertainty about the market adoption of battery-powered electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles and the deteriorating demand for diesel automobiles that negatively affects PGM used in diesel autocatalysis. Said Rhona O Connell, director of GFMS, at the 2018 Platinum Group GFMS Thomson Reuters Group metals survey last June. "This is based on a slight deficit this year of nearly 0.3 million ounces, fueled by a contraction in supply, mainly from the South African mining sector, coupled with growing demand," he said. she said. "Meanwhile, the price of palladium is expected to exceed platinum annual average in 2018, a historic first."

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