Australia beats host Canada as play-offs begin at World Junior Men's Softball Championship


 Australia beat Canada today to move closer to the final of the World Junior Men's Softball Championship in Prince Albert © WBSC

Australia beat Canada today 39 to get closer to the final World Junior Men's Softball Championship in Prince Albert

A dominant performance by pitcher Layton Reid led Australia to a 2-0 victory at Park's home ground.

Reid, who worked the game with left-handed receiver Jacob Donaldson, was away and only allowed four hits and three goals scored, scoring an impressive 17.

Australia will face tomorrow Japan, 6-4 winners of New Zealand today, for a place in the final Sunday (15 July).

If they lose, they will meet Argentina, Canada, Mexico or New Zealand in the bronze medal match, whose winner will qualify for the medal match. 39; gold.

Mexico beat the Czech Republic 4-2 and Argentina defeated the United States 9-2

 South Africa lost their match against Guatemala before beating Denmark © WBSC
South Africa lost to Guatemala defeating Denmark © WBSC

Tomorrow, Mexico will meet New Zealand and Argentina will face Canada with the two winners who s & # 39; 39 will face for a spot in the bronze medal game.

The United States and the Czech Republic have been eliminated. In the placement round, India and Guatemala have won victories today and will meet tomorrow to decide which team will advance to the ninth place

India defeated Hong Kong 12-1, while Guatemala beat South Africa 2-1 Denmark

were sentenced to 1 3rd and last place today after losing to Hong Kong, 9-4, then to South Africa, 7-5

South Africa will meet Hong Kong tomorrow with the winner who will face the loser of the match between India and Guatemala a place in the play -off of ninth place.

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