Back from the DEAD: Woman at the morgue, a fridge discovered to be LIVING | Science | New


On June 24, a woman was traveling with friends in a car when their vehicle had a head-on collision with another car

while the other pbadengers escaped without major injury, the paramedics thought the anonymous lady was dead. 19659002] They checked for signs of life, including breathing and pulse, but there was apparently nothing, so they took her to the nearest morgue in Carletonville, West Africa. South

. they were horrified to hear breathing from one of the refrigerators.

When they opened the drawer, they discovered that the woman was still alive – yet she remains in critical condition

. You never expect to open a morgue fridge and find someone living there.

"Can you imagine if we had started the autopsy and killed her?"

Gerrit Bradnick, Operations Manager of Distress Alert, said: The crew is devastated – we a I am here to keep people alive.

"There was an indication that she was still alive, we would have treated her.This was extremely traumatic for us."

Local authorities are currently studying what has happened.

However, confusing a patient to be dead is actually more common than one might think.

In January, a prisoner in Spain was declared dead by three different doctors, but later found a snoring on the autopsy table.

In Poland, in 2014, a 91-year-old woman was pronounced dead and spent 11 hours in a body bag.

Ryan Blumenthal, Chief Medical Examiner of the Department of Forensic Medicine at the University of Pretoria, said: "The diagnosis of death can be extremely difficult."

"That may be wrong, and that may be wrong." 19659016] [ad_2]
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