Besieged Eskom Appoints New Chief of Exploitation as Talks on Salaries Continue


Eskom named Jan Oberholzer as chief operating officer, announced on Friday

Oberholzer will be part of a three-person team that will also include CEO Phakamani Hadebe and a chief financial officer on hold to be named. 19659002] Hadebe was appointed permanent CEO in May and the appointment of Oberholzer is a new step in Eskom's desire to strengthen governance and attract investors. Eskom has announced the appointment of a chief financial officer in the coming weeks

Oberholzer has a formidable task to accomplish because last month, the public service has restored the load shedding of manpower, stocks of coal and winter demand. 19659002] Oberholzer spent 24 of his 38 years of work experience at Eskom, occupying various positions, including that of chief operating officer of his distribution division. Most recently, he successfully led the improvement of a number of hydroelectric plants in Zambia, said Eskom in a statement.

"Jan brings extensive operational experience in the energy sector, as well as a valuable institutional memory. I am confident that it will be very helpful in successfully reforming our operations and putting them in place for lasting success, "Hadebe said in the release.

Although sentiment towards Eskom generally improves He continues to face serious challenges and is currently in wage negotiations with the unions and his offer of an increase of 6.7%, which he has not budgeted, still has to be accepted by most of its workers.

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