Chris Froome impatient to "go back by bike" at the Tour de France | sport


Chris Froome confessed that he wished the race's promoters, ASO, to prevent him from participating in the Tour de France this year, a few days before he was whitened by the ### UCI, behind him as he prepares to defend his title.

"I can understand the decisions they made," Froome said. "But I draw a line in the sand and focus on the next three weeks."

Froome also described the nine-month process surrounding his abnormal test result, which ultimately allowed him to be cleared by the UCI last Monday, "injury".

"I am extremely grateful that all the facts have been established and draw a line below that and move on to the bike race again," said Froome. "I knew I had not done anything wrong, I am extremely relieved and it's a huge weight on my shoulders for this year's Tour which will be the biggest challenge of my career." [19659002WhileTeamSkyfacedthepressoftheTourdeFranceinVendéeFroomeandSirDaveBrailsfordarguedthattheabnormalFroomebadysisprocessshouldneverhavebeenmadepublic

"When someone is accused of something that he did not do and that becomes public, then anybody with a sense of fairness would look at that, " he said. "But what I'm looking at is a young man who has had this problem, his worst nightmare, and who has managed to maintain his dignity, his performance and win the Giro d'Italia in the meantime." Brailsford emphasized that Sky would not publish any additional detail on the decision and that, in fact, it is up to Wada and the UCI that it is the responsibility to share it with the public

. Doubt should not exist if we trust our authorities, "he said." The people who made the decision were Wada and the UCI, not Team Sky. I think that's where the information comes from about how that decision was made. "

But tensions around Froome remain high This nervousness was highlighted by the presence of both the gendarmerie and its personal bodyguard at the press conference on Wednesday.After the security council of Team Sky by BSkyB experts during a recent race in France, an additional security should be put in place around Froome once the Tour is underway.

UCI President David Lappartient Froome release. "An international federation such as the UCI must follow the World Anti-Doping Agency," he said. "They are the experts on this point and their experts have finally decided that this affair "It was not an anti-doping rule violation, so we had to follow Wada's decision."

Brailsford claimed that he was "absolutely confident since the day it started" that Froome had remained within the limits of the permitted dose. "

"There was never a doubt for us that all of this would be clarified, but this whole episode is over and Chris deserves a lot of credit for the way he handled this whole thing.Froome and Sky are the proud but d & # 39; 39, others, including Tom Dumoulin, runner up to Froome at the Giro d'Italia in May, are less enamored of the result. "I do not blame Froome," said Dumoulin. "He was cleaned up. That's how the case was handled, which is just a mess. It's really unfortunate. This is not what cycling needs. "

" That ruins the reputation of cycling and fans are probably giving up the sport for that reason, "said the Dutch rider, adding," Nobody deserves to be covered in urine. Froome does not deserve that. "

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Froome, who received urine in 2015 and was mocked by fans wearing inhaler suits during the May Giro also sought to calm the atmosphere. "If you are not necessarily a fan of Team Sky or a fan of Chris Froome, come on the run, put on a jersey of the team that you support and support the race in a positive way, "he said." Do not bring negativity to the race. That's my advice. "

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