Diddy congratulates his ex-girlfriend Cassie on her first pregnancy


June 14, 2019 | 4:12 p.m.

Diddy congratulates his ex-girlfriend Cbadie on her first pregnancy

Streeter Lecka / Getty Images

Diddy and model Cbadie spent 10 years from time to time, but their relationship ended permanently last year.

Cbadie finally joined fitness guru Alex Fine, while Diddy lamented the death of her ex-girlfriend and mother of her children, Kim Porter, who died suddenly in November 2018.

But, it seems that Diddy does not harbor any negative feelings towards his ex. On Friday (June 14th), the Bad Boy magnate congratulated Cbadie and Fine for their announcement about their baby.

"Congratulations @ Cbadie and Alex," he wrote next to a picture of the couple. "I only wish everyone the love and happiness. God protects you. LOVE."

Russell Simmons and Chainz both applauded Diddy's humiliating gesture in the comments section.

The 32-year-old woman revealed that she was expecting her first child on Thursday (June 13th) with her own Instagram account.

"I can not wait to meet our little girl," said Cbadie. "I always love you forever."

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