England defeated India by eight wickets in 3rd ODI, takes series 2-1


LEEDS – England beat India by eight wickets to win the third international day at Headingley on Tuesday while they won a 2-1 win in a three-game series.

England, with 257 points to win, finished on 260 for two, with test captain Joe Root 100 not on his Yorkshire pitch.

With day captain Eoin Morgan (88 not out), he shared a stall of 186 uninterrupted wickets.

Earlier in 2019, the World Cup hosted England, topping the ODI rankings in India. 256 for eight after Morgan won the draw.

India captain Virat Kohli scored best with 71, David Willey of Yorkshire and Adil Rashid each having three wickets.

What a chance to win! Cr

Scorecard / Clips: https://t.co/6lGth6g8Vi #ENGvind pic.twitter.com/IdgpTg2paJ

– Cricket of England (@crossandcricket) July 17, 2018 [19659010] India 256-8, 50 overs (V Kohli 71, D Willey 3-40, A Rashid 3-49)

England 260-2, 44.3 overs (J root 100 no, E Morgan 88 no)

Result: England won by eight wickets

Series: England wins series of three games 2-1

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