Gumtree offers new home rental services


Gumtree announced its partnership with house technology company HouseME to offer improved home rental services on its online platform.

Through this collaboration, Gumtree is now able to verify potential tenants through a rigorous audit process and reduce risks to homeowners.

HouseME uses smart technology to connect and verify tenants, collect rent and digitally coordinate the entire process of visualization, administration and payment.

These services can cost homeowners up to 2.5% of the rent, and the company offers a three month rent guarantee.

"HouseME is delighted to extend value-added to South African homeowners and help reduce the risks badociated with property leasing – including late payments, defaulters and deposit management are only a few, "said Ben Shaw, CEO of HouseME.

"We are excited about this collaboration and look forward to working with Gumtree as we serve a large part of the market together," said Shaw.

Gumtree said this partnership would greatly help homeowners connect with legitimate tenants via the platform.

"We have more than 36,000 rental listings and we know that connecting with HouseME will make life easier and make life much more profitable for many homeowners using Gumtree," said Claire Cobbledick, Executive Director of Gumtree SA.

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