Hollywood wants hosting providers to attack hacking sites


The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) sent a letter to the US Intellectual Property Protection Coordinator (IPEC), in which he argued that hosting companies should take on more responsibility for their role in the protection of intellectual property. Ecosystem of piracy. TorrentFreak reports.

US law considers hosting providers as neutral intermediaries, but the MPAA said the lack of involvement of third-party Internet services has hampered the fight against pirated content distribution.

"The lack of accountability of some large online platforms for their inability to prevent the theft of content and other illicit behaviors on their services is an aggravating factor," said Neil Fried, senior vice president of the MPAA.

Payment services and advertisers have entered into voluntary agreements to combat piracy, but the MPAA says that hosting providers should also take a more active stance, as they have the option to close hacking websites.

"Given the central role of hosting providers in the online ecosystem, it is disconcerting that many refuse to act if they are warned that their hosting services are being used in flagrant violation of their own terms of service , prohibiting infringement of intellectual property and in flagrant violation of the software. law, "said the MPAA.

The MPAA suggested that host societies transmit DMCA notices, terminate repeat offenders, and do not suspend court suspension orders against hacker sites.

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