How exercise and diet can help lupus


While science is still trying to unravel all the mysteries of lupus, Vanessa Ascencao, an expert in nutrition, thinks that following a healthy lifestyle – including adopting a good diet and taking supplements against lupus – is a good idea. inflammation – can go far. keep the disease in remission.

"There is no cure for lupus.Many doctors and researchers have different theories about what causes it, but it must be managed by the way of life," said Ascencao.

According to the journal Arthritis and Rheumatology, lupus is one of the major chronic inflammatory diseases.According to American research, according to Ascencao, people with lupus were at a higher risk of prematurely dying from diseases such as Diabetes, Pneumonia and Cardiovascular Disease It was important that lupus be managed holistically to minimize inflammation.

"Because lupus is so damaging to the organs, you are more prone to die. A chronic disease, "she said.

Ascencao suggested these tips:

Avoid fried, oily and processed foods

Eat less red meat and dairy products.

Choose fresh, organic, unprocessed foods and eat more vegetables, especially dark green vegetables.

Increase consumption of fresh fruits, including berries and pomegranates, which are rich in antioxidants.

Try probiotic foods like kefir, kombucha or sauerkraut, and use bones to make soups.

Avoid too much sugar. Sugar excessively boosts your immune system, and in a case of autoimmune disease, you do not want to overtimtimate your immune system because it will continue to attack itself.

Choose quality iron and vitamin B and D supplements to boost your immunity, energy and concentration.

Exercise to help reduce stress and improve joint health, and sleep at least eight hours a night.

"Emotional stress is a contributing factor to an autoimmune disease, so it's important to find an exercise that helps you have stress relief. The benefits of exercise are huge to help your entire body, but people with lupus should not get excited either.

"Thus, yoga or walking is good for circulating tension and relieving stress." ! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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