Al Maaba, Jack Ma, is a member of the Communist Party: state media – Nikkei Asian Review
What happened: On Monday, a list paying tribute to contributors to China's economic growth published by the People's Daily revealed that Jack Ma had once joined the ranks of the Communist Party. Although he was described as such during official events, he had never publicly confirmed his status as a party member. The leaders of Baidu and Tencent have also been praised by the People's Daily, although both have been labeled "non-partisan".
Why is it important? An badyst quoted by Nikkei suspects the Chinese Communist Party of unmasking Ma in order to "strengthen his own" brand. Ma has become a legend in her home country for her charismatic vision, commercial flair and rags-to-riches story. The news that Ma is a party member while his BAT counterparts are not, may surprise observers. And although we do not know how long he has been a member or what position he occupies, the revelation questions how Ma's past decisions have been affected by his affiliation.
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