Major Security Fault in Sennheiser Headset Software


The German cybersecurity company Secorvo Security Consulting has discovered Major security defect in the software supplied with the Sennheiser headphones.

This vulnerability exclusively affects Sennheiser HeadSetup and HeadSetup Pro software and is enabled by installing root certificates.

The software has installed encrypted root certificates and private keys in the Trusted Root CA certificate store, which could make the user's system vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. .

This means that attackers could potentially use this vulnerability to intercept and modify communications between two parties over a secure channel.

Microsoft has implemented measures to invalidate vulnerable certificates and Sennheiser has released an updated version of its software suite that removes the vulnerability.

This means that if users update their software and their installation of Windows 10, they should not be vulnerable to exploiting those certificates.

Users can download the latest Sennheiser software suite from the company software. official site.

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