Maurizio Sarri – ex-banker lights the Chelsea dugout


A former banker who does not believe that he is coaching a football team deserves the nickname "work". Maurizio Sarri, who should take the place of Antonio Conte sacked as manager of Chelsea, is certainly not the norm.

The 59-year-old man – who would become Roman Abramovich's ninth full-time manager during his 15 years as an owner – could not be more different in terms of context from his Italian compatriot Conte.

No trophy in his name, but he turned Napoli into true contenders for the title.

They finished second and third behind Juventus last season, becoming the first club to cross the 90-point mark. the crown of the league

However, Sarri has shown a desire to be unorthodox and break the mold.

His family were workers – his father a construction worker – but he became an international banker. years, he worked for Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena, who He was based in several countries, working for both low-league and non-league clubs.

His mastery of English will be very useful to him to communicate with the players, unlike Conte who did not speak English when he arrived. However, despite his high-flying banking career, he did not speak English. He has not forgotten his roots – a grandfather has fought for supporters of the Second World War against the Germans – and he is enraged when he hears about the hyperbole attached to football.

"When I'm going to run a training session, I never tell my family," I'm going to work, "he told the Avvenire newspaper.

" I come from a family of workers, and if I hear someone talking about "sacrifices" in football, I go crazy.

– "There is a child in every footballer" –

Indeed Sarri – who is clearly not from school Bill Shankly more serious than life and death – said that he would do the job for free.

"A difficult life rises at six in the morning and will work in a factory badembly line, not this one," he said.

"Coaching is the only job I could consider for free. , however, seems to be a more flexible character than Conte, the latter having led some of the senior players to distraction with his intense workouts and also his lack of personal warmth.

"I realized that there is a" In every footballer, a child playing a game, "he said in the Times.

" This is where it's going. And when the players have fun, they are more productive. Tactical rigor is important but we must never lose sight of the game and make sure that the inner child has fun. "

That does not mean that Sarri is a gentle soul who keeps his emotions under control, as there have been several The coach of the time, Roberto Mancini, has accused Sarri of homophobia while He would have called him "faggott" during a match against Italy's semifinal round in 2016, when he was the boss of Inter Milan

This kind of language will put him in hot water with the authorities, but another immediate problem is waiting: how will he pbad the strict anti-tobacco policies?

There has some debate about the number of cigarettes that he smokes each day – some say 60 while the Belgian Napoli striker, Dries Mertens, felt that he thought he looked more like to five packs a day.Accommon German RB Leipzig, who created a special section for smokers in the locker room of Napoli last season, played in a Europa League match. [19659019] But if he is accommodating on the pitch, he will decide whether his hopes shine or rise A former banker Maurizio Sarri is not your conventional football coach as Chelsea fans will discover that they impressed Napoli

Chelsea's new manager Maurizio Sarri will bring a more empathic touch than his predecessor Antonio Conte to the former believer "there is a child in every footballer"

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