When mom Emma Reavley noticed red spots on her daughter's back, she immediately thought it was chicken pox.
Evie, her four-year-old daughter, had had three weeks earlier, so the eight-year-old mother was not thinking of anything.
But, as spots began to spread on Emily's body "under her eyes," the 41-year-old woman began to worry.
The next morning, the whole body of the two-year-old girl was covered with red, irritating wounds, which had spread in her mouth and throat.
It was then that Emma realized that something was wrong.
She and her husband, 39-year-old Shaun, took their two-year-old daughter to the emergency care center in Hemel Hempstead, where the doctors sent her home with antibiotic cream and anti-cancer drugs. varicella.
Within hours, Emily's temperature having "skyrocketed" to 39 ° C, her parents then took her to Watford General Hospital after excluding measles and scarlet fever.
There, the doctors diagnosed in the toddler the "most serious case" of foot-and-mouth disease that they had "never seen" – and told the couple that it was the third case that they had seen that day.
The tot was allowed to return home but had to be quarantined for 14 days because of the highly contagious nature of the disease.
At present, Emma is sharing photos of Emily's bloated face and body, to warn other parents of the potential dangerousness of the MMPF.
The eight-year-old mother said, "Emily started having some spots on her neck and I thought it was chicken pox.
"It was just a few at first, but it was as if they were literally appearing before my eyes.
"I was looking at them and thought they were not chickenpox." Having so many children, I know what they look like.
Her whole body was covered and she had them in her mouth and in her throat
Emma Reavley
As the day progressed, the worst got worse.
"Her whole body was covered and she had them in her mouth and in her throat.
"In the hospital, the doctors said it was the worst case of DMFM they had ever seen."
In order to contain the highly contagious virus, the doctors told Emma and Shaun that they had to keep Emily inside for two weeks.
"She watched everyone go out and play and she could not go out," said Emma.
"It was really upsetting for her, it was horrible.
"She was up for a minute and the next she was lying on the couch crying.
"She would dance a little because her skin was so irritated but also painful.
"She wanted to be restrained, but if I tried to restrain her, she would be hurt because of blisters on her skin.
"She missed her food because of throat ulcers.
"She was so cold that she was shaking but her temperature was so high that we could not warm her up."
"It was horrible – it was really heartbreaking to see it like that – I never want to experience it again."
HAND, foot-and-mouth disease is a common childhood disease that can affect adults. It usually disappears in 7 to 10 days.
The first signs of foot-and-mouth disease may be sore throat, high temperature (over 38 ° C) or not wanting to eat.
After a few days, mouth ulcers and rash will appear.
The symptoms are usually the same in adults and children, but they can be much more severe in adults.
It is possible to contract foot-and-mouth disease more than once.
Foot-and-mouth disease has nothing to do with foot-and-mouth disease affecting livestock.
You can not take antibiotics or medicines to treat foot-and-mouth disease – it has to take its course. This usually improves in seven to ten days.
While Emily had returned to herself after five days, it took her six weeks for her blisters to disappear completely, leaving her with a few minor scars.
Mom Emma said that she was talking to alert other parents of the seriousness of the DMFMA situation.
"I never knew it could be so extreme," added the 41-year-old.
"More people need to be aware.
"It's not just a few spots on your hands, feet, and mouth." Emily was particularly unlucky, but it can spread and become so bad.
"I would tell any parent whose child has FGMD to follow his doctor's instructions and keep him in quarantine for two weeks because he is so contagious and he is suspended in the air.
"If you just take them to the park or for a walk around the block, they can pbad it on to another child without even touching them.
"It's so unfair to this child and his parents who must then experience it. It was really horrible.
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Dr. Ramesh Chaniyil, pediatrician consultant of the NHS Trust of West Herts Hospitals, who runs the Emergency Care Center at Hemel Hempstead, said, "We are delighted to learn that Emily s & # 39; 39, is fully restored.
"It can be very easy to miss hand disease, foot-and-mouth disease, and mouth because blisters can look like those that come with chicken pox.
"HFM is caused by a virus and its characteristics vary from mild to severe.
"Usually, HFM resolves itself, which means it will go away in a few days and you can treat the symptoms with painkillers and stay hydrated.
"Sometimes with gastric ulcer, mouth ulcers make it difficult for you to swallow.It is at that time that you have to go to the hospital for evaluation and possible treatment with intravenous fluids and painkillers.In the hospital, children may also need antibiotic treatment in case of suspected bacterial infection. "
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