Nigeria sends information on a strategic partner to operate its new national airline


Lagos – The new Nigerian national airline will need an initial capital of 150 to 300 million dollars and the government is seeking a strategic partner to operate the carrier, the government said in a document released by Reuters.

Nigeria Airways, was wholly owned by the government. It ceased to operate in 2003.

State Aviation Minister Hadi Sirika said Wednesday that the government would own no more than 5% of the new carrier, named Nigeria Air. He made these comments by providing details of the airline at Farnborough Airshow in England

The government plans to launch the airline in December, in accordance with the promise of election campaign of President Muhammadu Buhari

. Nigeria with poor infrastructure as a barrier to prosperity.

The government has stated that modernization will require private investment.

"The initial capital should be in the range of $ 150 [m] to $ 300 million, invested in tranches over time from start up through the first years of operation," reads in a government document.

The government will provide the initial capital, he reads, but does not indicate the sum.The government "will facilitate the process of opening the capital of the airline to financial investors from the private sector, "reads the document.

A private operator, sought after through a public-private partnership, will manage the bed.

Nigeria Air would serve national and international markets and expects to have a fleet of 30 aircraft in five years with hubs in Lagos and Abuja, the two main cities of Nigeria.

Richard Branson [19659002BritishMilliardaryRichardBransonacrossandnationalcompagnetinternationalVirginNigeriaen2000missa'estdésintéresséen2010decequ'ilaqualifiéd'interférencedelapartdespoliticiensetdesrégulateurs[19659005]. in 2012, after collapsing about 35 billion naira ($ 97.4 million) in debt that made him unable to pay his staff, a former chief financial officer of the company said at the time

According to the document, the current air traffic in Nigeria is about 15 million pbadengers, which is expected to increase by 5%. a year in 2036 he reads.


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