Orlando Pirates played against TP Mazembe


Orlando Pirates played a 0-0 draw against Congolese giant TP Mazembe in a friendly at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola, Zambia yesterday (Thursday).

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As confirmed on the Bucs' official website, head coach Milutin Sredojevic was impressed by his players.

"We played a total of 120 minutes of football against TP Mazembe, one of the best teams in sub-Saharan Africa, maybe the match came early for us but we are happy with the result because it has established the criteria and standards that we must achieve to be competitive in Africa, "Sredojevic told the Bucs website.

"This Mazembe team won the CAF Champions League title in 2015 and won two consecutive titles of the CAF Confederations Cup in 2016 and 2017, and this is the standard that we had to follow throughout the match. " .

"It was a difficult and competitive match due to the difference in level of competitiveness between the two teams, we are on a break and preparing for a new season, while they are competing regularly However, despite the levels, the traffic was bidirectional, the two teams clashing like boxers, and we believe that this experience has benefited our young players, especially by helping them to understand what it means to play in Africa. against strong opposition playing in the continental competition, "said the Serbian mentor.

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Sredojevic also badyzed to where his team came and where it has been since the start of the pre-season. [19659005"Nousfinalisonspratiquementlatroisièmephasedenospréparatifsdepré-saisonetnousauronsencoretroissemainespouraffinerl'équipetactiquementettechniquementaprèscettetournéeenZambieNouscroyonsquenoussommessurlabonnevoieL'importantestdecontinueràgagnerdutempsetnousaugmentonslentementprogressivementetprogressivementlesminutesdechaquejoueuretunefoisquenousatteignonslaformelapluscompétitivenouscroyonsquenousréussironsàdonnerdesrésultatspositifsànossupporteurs"Acommenté

"Our pre-season camp helped us build a solid foundation that will help us get through a very competitive season is too early to say that we are 100%, but we are halfway there after three weeks.For us, this is not important where we are at this point because we are confident about where we are going. tweak our work and put the team in a position where players play according to our model of Once we have made players understand our game model, we will be more effective against the goals, while remaining strong defensively, "said Sredojevic.

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