Post offices claim that 6% increase in the decent wage offer


Aubrey Tshabalala of the CWU says their request for a 12% wage increase remains on the table.

Photo: Giovanna Gerbi / EWN

JOHANNESBURG – While unions in the communications sector blame employers for undermining their members, the South African post office says it believes it's put a decent bid on the negotiating table. Thousands of workers, including those from Telkom, are striking nationwide for wages.

The post office offers a 6% increase while the unions include the Union of Communication Workers (CWU), the Democratic Union of Posts and Communications and the Allies. The South African Workers' Union rejected the offer

The closure threatens the payment of social grants that is already under pressure after many beneficiaries find themselves stranded and unable to access their money this week due to a malfunction of the system. Aubrey Tshabalala of CWU says their request for a 12% pay raise remains on the table.

"The workers have been without salary increases for the last two years and 2018 is their third year, so we are asking for 12%."

Lindiwe Kwele, COO of the Post, says their current offer is the best that the company can do.

"It's pretty unfortunate, as I told you, we believe that what we have offered is decent in the face of the extreme challenges of liquidity."

(Edited by Zamangwane Shange)

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