Sagan wins the first hilly stage of the Tour de France in sprint


Sagan wins the first hilly stage of the Tour de France in sprint

Associated Press

11:53 am EDT, July 11, 2018

12:04 pm EDT, July 11, 2018

QUIMPER, France (AP) – For the second time this year, Peter Sagan defeated Sonny Colbrelli in the sprint.

conclusion of the first hilly road of the race on Wednesday.

Greg Van Avermaet took advantage of an extra bonus sprint to add two seconds to his lead, ahead of his teammate BMC Tejay van Garderen

<img id = "i-df2b3fd192e71a5" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 "data-src =" "height =" 422 "width =" 634 "alt =" Slovakia Peter Sagan, wearing the best sprinter The green jersey crosses the finish line to win the fifth stage of the Tour de France cycling race for 204.5 kilometers (127 miles ) with start in Lorient and arrival in Quimper, France, Wednesday, July 11, 2018. (AP Photo / Peter Dejong The Slovak Peter Sagan, wearing the green jersey of the best sprinter, crosses the finish line to win the fifth stage of Tour de France on 204.5 kilometers (127 miles) with departure to Lorient and arrival in Quimper, France, Wednesday., 11 July and 2018. (AP Pho Peter Sagan, wearing the green jersey of the best sprinter, crosses the finish line to win the fifth stage of the Tour de France on 204.5 kilometers (127 miles) with departure to Lorient and arrival in Quimper, France, Wednesday, July 11, 2018. (AP Photo / Peter Dejong)

Race favorite Chris Froome crossed safely in the main pack.

Sagan, the three-time world champion, clocked this difficult stage across Brittany, which included five categorized climbs over a distance of 204.5 kilometers from Lorient to Quimper

Belgian rider Philippe Gilbert, former World Champion, finished third and went back to third place. [19659006FroomesuitVanAvermaetwith57seconds15thplace

 The Slovak Peter Sagan, wearing the green jersey of the best sprinter, crosses the finish line to win the fifth stage of the Tour de France for 204.5 kilometers (127 miles) with start at Lorient and fi nich in Quimper, France, Wednesday, July 11, 2018. (AP Photo / Peter Dejong)

 Slovak Peter Sagan, wearing the green jersey for the best sprinter, crosses the finish line to win the fifth stage of the Tour de France cycling race Over 204.5 kilometers (127 miles) with departure to Lorient and arrival in Quimper, France, Wednesday 11 July 2018. (AP Photo / Peter Dejong)

The Slovak Peter Sagan, carrying the green jersey of the best sprinter, crosses the finish line to win the fifth stage of the Tour de France cycling on 204.5 kilometers (127 miles) with departure to Lorient and arrival in Quimper, France, wednesday 11 july illet 2018. (AP Photo / Peter Dejong)

 The peloton pbades through Concarneau during the fifth stage of the Tour de France cyclist on 204.5 kilometers (127 miles) with departure to Lorient and arrival in Quimper, France, Wednesday July 11, 2018. (AP Photo / Christophe Ena)

 goes through Concarneau during the fifth stage of the Tour de France cyclin g race over 204.5 kilometers (127 miles) with departure to Lorient and arrival in Quimper, France, Wednesday July 11, 2018. (AP Photo / Christophe Ena)

The peloton pbades through Concarneau during the fifth stage of the 204.5 kilometer (127 miles) cycle race in France with departure to Lorient and arrival in Quimper, France , Wednesday, July 11, 2018. (AP Photo / Christophe Ena)

 The Belgian Greg van Avermaet, wearing the yellow jersey of the leader, rolls in the peloton during the fifth stage of the Tour de France cycling race on 204.5 kilometers (127 miles) with departure to Lori and arrival at Quimper, France, Wednesday, July 11, 2018. (AP Photo / Christophe Ena)

 The Belgian Greg van Avermaet, who wears the yellow jersey of the leader, participates in the fifth stage of the Tour de France on 204.5 kilometers (127 miles) with departure to Lorient and arrival in Quimper, France, Wednesday, July 11th. 2018. (AP Photo / Christophe Ena)

Belgium & # 39; s Greg van Avermaet, wearing the leader's yellow jersey, gets into the pack at the 204.5-kilometer (127-mile) Tour de France fifth stage, starting in Lorient and arriving in Quimper, France on Wednesday 11 July. 2018. (AP Photo / Christophe Ena)

 The Belgian Greg van Avermaet, wearing the leader's yellow jersey, drives with his team-mates, the Italian Damiano Caruso, on the left, and Tejay van Garderen from the United States, in the fifth step. Tour de France on 204.5 kilometers (127 miles) with departure to Lorient and arrival in Quimper, France, Wednesday, July 11, 2018. (AP Photo / Christophe Ena)

 Belgian Greg van Avermaet, wearing the yellow leader jersey , rides with his teammates Italy's Damiano Caruso, on the left, and Tejay van Garderen from the United States, on the right, at the fifth stage of the Tour de France on 204.5 kilometers (127 miles) with start in Lorient and arrived at Quimper, France, Wednesday July 1st 1, 2018. (AP Photo / Christophe Ena)

The Belgian Greg van Avermaet, wearing the yellow jersey of the leader, rises with his teammates the Italian Damiano Caruso, to left, and American Tejay van Garderen, right, at the fifth stage of the Tour de France cycling race on 204.5 kilometers (127 miles) with departure to Lorient and arrival in Quimper, France, Wednesday 11 July 2018. (AP Photo / Christophe Ena)

 The peloton climbs during the fifth stage of the Tour de France cycling race on 204.5 kilometers (127 miles) with start in Lorient and arrival in Quimper, France, Wednesday 11 July 2018. (AP Photo / Christophe Ena)

 The peloton climbs over of the fifth stage of the Tour de France cycling 204.5 kilometers (127 miles) with departure to Lorient and arrival in Quimper, France, Wednesday, July 11, 2018. (AP Photo / Christophe Ena)

The peloton climbs during the fifth stage of the Tour de France on 204.5 kilometers (127 miles) with departure to Lorient and arrival in Quimper, France, Wednesday 11 July 2018. (AP Photo / Christophe Ena)


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