Semenya obliterates the national record of 1,000 m


Caster Semenya continued his spectacular momentum on Friday night, shattering his South African record at the Diamond League meeting in Rabat.

Going out with the rhythm of the company, after leaving the rest of the competition Semenya stormed the house in 2: 31.01, snatching more than four seconds off the national mark of 2:35, 43 that she had established in Pretoria in March.

She climbed to sixth place in the all-time standings over the distance is rarely traveled, crossing the line just over two seconds outside the world record of 22: 28.98 held by the team. Russian athlete Svetlana Masterkova.

Earlier in the high-level meeting, distance runner Dom Scott-Efurd produced another strong performance, taking ninth place in the women's 5,000m race in 15: 11.65, narrowly missing his record Staff 15: 10.23.

Zarck Visser delivered a poor performance in the men's long jump

threw the best of a 8.4 0m season, Visser struggled to put himself in 6th position with a jump of 7.79m

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