Tour de France 2018: doping ban by Chris Froome


More than 30,000 security agents will be deployed for the Tour de France, organizers said on Wednesday after the world cycling official reported threats of violence and called for a safe environment for Britain's Chris Froome.

The world's biggest cycling race kicks off on Saturday, a few days after Froome, a four-time champion, has been cleared of doping suspicions by the International Cycling Union (UCI), led by David Lappartient.

In a post on his Twitter account, Lappartient denounced calls for "violence" during the three weeks while the French government announced that it would deploy all the necessary means to ensure security.

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"I've heard calls, sometimes completely irrational, to violence on the Tour de France, "said Lappartient

" I can not accept this and I call all spectators to protect all athletes and to respect the judicial decision so that Chris Froome can compete in a safe and serene environment like all other athletes. "

Pierre-Yves Thou, Tour de France safety chief Ault told AFP that he shared Lappartient's concerns but was ready to trigger a security operation to control the 10 to 12 million fans expected to attend the race this year.

"There will be 23,000 police and 6,000 firefighters" Thouault said, adding that several thousand agents of private security would also be deployed.

"We are concerned about mountain finishes." But we will not focus more on one team than on another, "he said, mentioning a notorious mountain stretch of the three-week Tour.

" The section Alpe d'Huez's superior will have more than 3.5 km of railing on each side, "he said – the notorious climb to attract huge unruly crowds where punching were launched, and the urine splashed on competitors including Froome.

"We will have several hundred officers on this hill, we know how it can be," he said. communications between security officers was th Froome, 33, is a favorite to win his fifth Tour de France after being allowed to ride following the conclusion of a survey on an abnormal test sample when Vuelta a España

He recorded an abnormal test result (FAA) for salbutamol, a medicinal product anti-asthma, which means that it exceeded the authorized dose of an authorized substance.

"I feel the need to tell bike lovers, lovers of the Tour de France, that the decision (abandon Froome) was made on the basis of reports of experts who led the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) to consider that no anti-doping rule violation "

" And from that moment, this decision must be respected.

The opposition to Froome was built in France before the Tour, with Bernard Hinault, five-time winner of the Tour, called him a cheater The organizers forbid him to ride before being forced to bow earlier this week and lift the ban.

But Froome said Wednesday that he had little to fear from the French public. "I just ran the Giro in May with the salbutamol hanging over me and nothing happened," he said, "My advice to all those who do not like not Chris Froome or who do not like Sky "Froome wants to emulate the five-time winners Hinault, Jacques Anquetil, Eddy Merckx and Miguel Indurain as he competes for a fifth win in the world championship. three weeks

A win would also make Froome the first man to win a Giro-Tour de France double in the same season for twenty years.

Chris Froome asked Fans of Tour de France will let him run in peace, even if they doubt the recent decision that has cleared him of doping charges.

The British cyclist has been targeted by spectators in the past. During the 2015 tour, he stated that a man threw a cup of urine while hurting him. "With the latest edition starting Saturday, five days after the International Cycling Union finally ruled that Froome had won last year's Spanish Vuelta cleanly, the winner of the Tour four times has offered an alternative to skeptical fans to show their mistrust. race in a positive way, does not bring negativity, "he said Wednesday in western France. "In terms of safety, I would obviously encourage sports fans to come see the race, and if you're not necessarily a fan of Chris Froome or a Sky fan, come on and put on a jersey." on another team that you support.This would be my advice. "A cloud took hold of Froome after a urine sample taken during the Vuelta in September showed a concentration of 30%. asthma twice as high as salbutamol.

After months of silence, the UCI It did not represent an adverse result, which could have deprived him of his victory over the Vuelta and the

The decision of the UCI allowed him to participate in the Tour after the organizer of the ASO race had informed Team Sky that he would ban Froome He entered prison until the doping case is decided.

His use of asthma medications was well documented and he often uses inhalers during the races. According to the rules of the World Anti-Doping Agency, an athlete may be allowed to use an excessive rate of salbutamol if it proves that it is due to an appropriate therapeutic dosage.

Froome says he understands that it can take time for fans to believe that he is not cheating. 19659003] "But these data are available, and I would like to think that the more people understand this, the more they will understand my decision to keep running knowing that I have certainly done nothing wrong," Froome said. "Of course it was damaging, as it is now, I'm just happy to draw a line in the sand and move on and focus on bike racing."

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