Vampyr Review (Xbox One) – How Much of a Monster Are You?


The streets of 1918 in London are not a safe place, whether you are a citizen, a member of a gang, a vampire or a vampire hunter. In fact, you are Jonathan Reid, a doctor and a newly transformed vampire who must unravel how he became a bloodsucking monster. You are also a major reason why the streets are dangerous, with the Spanish flu epidemic. Welcome to the wonderfully dark world of Vampyr .

First not to harm

You wake up in a very unpleasant situation, the one we saw in previous games. Few people manage to make it as claustrophobic and terrifying as Vampyr however, but the shock of awakening is quickly eclipsed by the tragedy and then the fear that gunmen take after you. (19659004) Once an escape has been made, players will walk, run, teleport and fight their way through the events of Vampyr . The main mechanism of the game is unusual – you are responsible for healing people in your role as a doctor, but keeping NPCs healthy can have a sinister motive. You want your prey to be as healthy as possible before consuming it, since you will be rewarded with more XP.

Or you can take the hardest route and progress in the game on the XP rewarded by completing quests, defeating enemies and fulfilling other non-fatal goals. Vampyr makes you as much monster as you want but it does not make it easy. Even an apparently sympathetic choice may be the wrong choice, plunging a region of London into chaos. You can also choose to do this by killing everyone you meet.

People are their stories

But Vampyr does not help the task either. The general story, as well as individual stories shot around NPCs, is compelling and is easily the best part of the game. You will be happier when you converse politely with targets … um, people, about what afflicts them. Narrative, one of the strengths of the developer DontNod, is what will attract you and keep you hooked.

The story is not alone. The dark night atmosphere that is shaped around each of these individual tales, is ripe for exploration. Walking into a new area gives off a feeling of trepidation – you're not always sure you're completely ready to face the next step, not something we've actually seen implemented in a vampire game for ages. . Is it a good idea to enter the house you just heard screaming? Have you brought enough healing items? How long has it been since your last backup? Will you go anyway? Yes, probably. The decor is dark and appropriately Gothic, when it's not scary – we kept thinking we were going to meet Jack the Ripper on every corner.

Not a predator of the total apex

The narrative and the setting being as good as they are, it's a positive thing, because you will find that other systems of Vampyr are not so refined. The loading times, when they occur, take a lot longer than what you expect from a game of this kind. There are occasional lip sync problems, but you will have to really look for them to find them.

The biggest headache comes from the fight and the camera. The fight can be jovial, with control – especially in situations with multiple enemies – being very frustrating. The camera does not cooperate and Vampyr is not really configured to allow you to confront groups of enemies. It is too easy to be stunned until you are overwhelmed, ruining the illusion that you are an all-powerful night walker for blood. Unless you play this way on purpose by not killing any of your patients …

Players have different skills at their disposal, from healing to offensive abilities, but it's using the ones you will encounter their limits. The use of blood, a consumable resource, to heal or attack has a significant delay – it's easy to die before your skills come to an end. Using melee weapons, rifles and shotguns, and medical vials in conjunction with your vampire abilities is almost a must. A combination of all that you have made the fight bearable, but we remember how much DontNod fought with Remember Me . It could have been better.

Vampyr: Verdict

Do not be fooled, Vampyr has its flaws, but none are so severe that your experience is wasted. The narrative is enough for most to come back and over time (and with a little forethought) the difficulty of control can be overcome as well. The story of Jonathan Reid and his time spent in the dark, either helping everyone or consuming everyone you meet, is worth being played. All that remains to be decided is: Who kills more – you or the flu?

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