Vitamin D may not reduce heart risk


New Delhi, June 20 (ANI): Although several research studies suggest a link between low levels of vitamin D in the blood and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, researchers have now discovered that the consumption of vitamin D supplements would not decrease the risk. The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Cardiology, found that vitamin D supplements did not decrease the incidence of heart attacks, strokes, or any other major adverse cardiovascular event. His conclusion was consistent for men and women and for patients of different ages. Barbarawi led a team of researchers and reviewed data from 21 clinical trials, including more than 83,000 patients. Vitamin D supplements were administered to half of the patients and placebo. The meta-badysis of the data showed no difference in the incidence of cardiovascular events or all causes of death between the two groups. Vitamin D is sometimes called sun vitamin because human skin produces vitamin D when it is exposed to the sun. Thus, those farthest from the equator tend to have lower levels of vitamin D in the blood. Some studies have linked low levels of vitamin and increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events, but the study of Barbarawi suggested that other factors, such as physical activity outdoor and nutritional status, could explain this badociation. As a result, it suggests that doctors and patients think twice before taking vitamin to minimize the risk of heart attack or other cardiovascular problems.

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