Young spotted lions playing with a black plastic blanket in South Africa


A new video apparently captured by animal filmmaker Rob The Ranger & # 39; is now the hottest point of debate among environmentalists and conservationists. The video shows three lions playing with a black plastic bag, and it clearly indicates the dangers that this anthropogenic material represents for the ecosystem.

The video was taken in the Sabi Sand Wildtuin Nature Reserve in South Africa. Wildlife conservatives believe that the abandoned plastic bag could have reached the reserve from nearby huts or be transported by a hyena that had cleaned the garbage cans.

"Pride of Ottawa lions trying to hunt kudu before regrouping It is possible that young hyenas or baboons took it to a lodge because it was not a good thing. There are no routes in the area where the public can drop their garbage. Rob The Ranger writes in the description of the video

The video that was uploaded to YouTube earlier this month has already recorded more than 8,000 views. After watching the video, viewers also shared their thoughts about the threats posed by plastic pollution on wildlife.

Most viewers applauded Rob The Ranger for this effort, which exposed the danger of plastic for wildlife and the ecosystem. It's a shame of what humans are doing with their garbage: lions playing with plastic, shame on the people who are responsible for it, "comments Judith Campbell, a YouTube user

" It's horrible. has invaded, land, oceans, forests and deserts, and it's all because of humans, and they're the only ones to be able to fix it, "commented Shady Pines Ma, another YouTuber. [19659002] This new video is just one of many examples that prove the dangers posed by plastics.Last month, a dead seal baby was found stranded on the shore in Waternish, Skye, with loads of plastic pieces spilled in his stomach.

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