African American passenger sues American Airlines


An African American is reportedly suing American Airlines for Discrimination.

American Airlines confirmed to USA TODAY Tuesday that passenger Dana Holcomb was removed from Phoenix to Austin, Texas, on April 14 after the crew made "all attempts to accommodate Mr. Holcomb."

Holcomb's attorney disagreed. "Reginald McKamie Sr." said Dana was taken out of the air.

In a statement to USA TODAY, American Airlines said: "In the case of an allergy, we work to re-seat a pet carrier."

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Dana Holcomb is one of the most popular American Airlines for the first time.


Dana Holcomb is one of the most popular American Airlines for the first time.

"Mr. Holcomb could not have been satisfied with this solution. In addition, "the airline said in a statement.

Mr. Holcomb has been withdrawn from the plane.

"Our team offered to rebook Mr. Holcomb and refunded his first-class ticket," the statement added.

The airline said it had not received the lawsuit, and also pointed out, "which can not afford to allow your animal onboard because it makes uncomfortable."

However, Holcomb said he was not confrontational and only had a problem with the allergic reaction, according to KWTX.

Video captured the steward pointing at Dana Holcomb


Video captured the steward pointing at Dana Holcomb

"What American Airlines is doing is discriminating," McKamie added.

"They have repeatedly humiliated African Americans by throwing them off the plane, leaving them with no way home, leaving them with no hotels, just throwing them off the plane."

– USA Today


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