After 50, Hippies Welcome to a County in Indiana


This article is republished here with permission from The Associated Press. This content is shared here as the topic may be of interest to Snopes readers; however, it does not represent the work of the fact-checkers or editors of Snopes.

LAGRANGE, Ind. (AP) – Peace, Love – and LaGrange.

LaGrange County, Indiana, repealed a 1971 law to block large gatherings like the 1969 Woodstock Music Festival in New York State.

“I called it our anti-hippie ordinance,” County Commissioner Dennis Kratz said with a smile.

The ordinance regulated large gatherings that lasted more than 12 hours and involved more than 500 people, The News Sun reported.

The law was recently dropped as part of an effort to repeal ordinances that have no practical use but have been on the books for more than 100 years, especially some restrictions on movement. County District Attorney Kurt Bachman’s search lasted three years.

“There were a lot of things during this process that made us say, what? … It was an incredible learning process, ”said Bachman, whose goal was to evolve county laws into a searchable electronic record.

The county is located in northern Indiana, along the Michigan border.


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