After a community survey, Kraken removes Bitcoin SV


The main US cryptocurrency exchange center, Kraken, has decided to remove the bitcoin (BTC) bitcoin list (BSV), the company announced on April 16.

In an official press release, Kraken stated that BSV had "behaved in a manner completely contrary to everything we stand for at Kraken and in the wider cryptographic community." As such, the stock market decided to withdraw the currency from the list, result of a hard fork in the Bitcoin Cash (BTC) network last November.

The decision of the exchange follows a poll yesterday on Twitter, in which he asked the community if it should remove BSV.

Kraken Twitter BSV radiation survey. Source: Kraken

Kraken cited erratic behavior such as fraudulent claims, threats and lawsuits as a catalyst behind radiation. The decision of the exchange follows in the footsteps of the exchanges Binance and ShapeShift, who lost the play at the beginning of the week.

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao had already warned Australian computer scientist Craig Wright – Satoshi Nakamoto, BSV's strongest supporter and the self-proclaimed inventor of bitcoin – that Binance would remove BSV from the list in the case of controversial behavior.

Binance abandoned BSV after Wright fixed a $ 5,000 bonus in BSV for information on Hodlnaut's identity, the Twitter user behind the recent Bitcoin charity event " Lightning Torch.

In his announcement, Kraken did not mention anyone by name, but said, "Last week's threats against individual members of the community were the straw that broke the camel's back. This aggression will not hold. "

The price of Bitcoin SV has suffered the removal of the list. According to CoinMarketCap, at the time of printing, the coin lost 4.67% in the day and just over 30% in the week.


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