After Receiving a Second Dose, Yo-Yo Ma Turns Waiting Period into Performance at Pittsfield Vax Clinic | Local News


PITTSFIELD – After Yo-Yo Ma received his second COVID-19 vaccine at Berkshire Community College on Saturday, he turned his 15-minute observation period into a concert for the newly vaccinated.

The world-renowned cellist and part-time Berkshires resident completed his vaccination course at the country house clinic, and he “wanted to give something back,” said Richard Hall of the Berkshire COVID-19 Vaccine Collaborative at The Eagle.

Yo-Yo Ma sat along the wall of the observation area, masked and socially away from others. He then spent 15 minutes under observation playing the cello in front of a cheering audience, in what Hall called a “very special” concert that wrapped up the day’s vaccination event.

“What a way to end the clinic,” Hall wrote in an email.

Berkshire Community College shared news of Yo-Yo Ma’s informal performance on social media, and State Representative William “Smitty” Pignatelli praised the musician for “bringing hope and optimism through its beautiful music. ” The college shared excerpts from the concert on Facebook.

In a poetic circumstance, Yo-Yo Ma’s second coronavirus shot and next gig comes exactly one year after he released his first recording of himself playing his instrument using the hashtag #SongsOfComfort.

Amid the fear and uncertainty that marked the early days of the pandemic, the world-famous musician began sharing the recordings in the hope that they would bring solace and connection to a frightened nation.

“In these days of anxiety,” he wrote on Twitter on March 13, 2020, “I wanted to find a way to continue to share some of the music that comforts me. #SongsOfComfort: Dvořák – “Coming home”

This isn’t the first time Yo-Yo Ma has regaled the unsuspecting with music during the pandemic. In September, he and Emanuel Ax gave a series of surprise pop-up concerts for essential workers, shortly after treating essential workers and first responders in a virtual concert broadcast live.

Francesca Paris contributed to this report


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