After The Fall is an apocalypse multiplayer VR game from the 80's to come in 2020



Apocalyptic, 80s, multiplayer, VR: yes to all the above.

Vertigo Games

If you want to know where the game of virtual reality is going, start by thinking of many people playing at the same time.

After The Fall, a new game teased by Vertigo Games at E3 2019will only really happen in 2020. But it is a large-scale FPS taking place in a collapsed apocalypse on the theme of the 80s, with the main objective of cooperation. (Previously, this story called it "massively multiplayer", but according to Vertigo Games, it is large-scale, online, but will not be MMO.)

Excerpt from the description of Vertigo Games in the company's press release: "taking place in the post-apocalyptic and ice-covered ruins of an alternative 1980s, Los Angeles, After the fall Oppose up to four players to a vast and hostile world in a fierce struggle for control of the city and the survival of humanity. Play alone or join players from around the world to search the remnants of civilization, battle hordes and leaders bigger than ever, craft an impressive range of guns and combat weapons close together, and exercise devastating powers with real movements. "

Arizona Sunshine, Vertigo Games' first successful entry into VR play, is brimming with zombie fire. After The Fall seems to continue on themes similar to those of John Carpenter.

The new game, launched on Oculus Store and Steam, soon has a beta version to which everyone can register for the moment.

Richard Stitselaar, Studio Director at Vertigo Games, says in a press release, "Arizona Sunshine was one of the first complete games developed exclusively for VR. Since then, we have been eager to get back on track and push the limits of virtual reality. With After the fall, we bring VR to life on a scale that we believe has never been realized before: a seamless multiplayer experience shared with as many players as possible in a dynamic world that will inspire them to come back longer. "

I'm not a big fan of VR FPS, but the multiplayer elements of After The Fall seem interesting. I have not tried it, but I hope that I will have the opportunity to do it soon.

(Updated at 2:16 pm ET with comments from Vertigo Games and the correction of the mentioned multiplayer features.)


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