After the speech: what Trump did when the Capitol was attacked


At 2:12 p.m., the same time the crowd entered the building itself, Mr Pence – who had challenged the president by saying he planned to certify Mr Biden’s victory – was kicked out of the Senate. A minute later, the Senate session was suspended. Two minutes later, at 2:15 p.m., groups of rioters began chanting, “Hang Mike Pence!”

Nine minutes later, at 2:24 p.m., Mr. Trump tweeted a message to Mr. Pence for moving forward to certify Mr. Biden’s victory: “Mike Pence didn’t have the guts to do what should have been. made to protect our country. and our Constitution, giving states the ability to certify a set of corrected facts, not fraudulent or inaccurate facts they have been asked to certify previously. The USA demands the truth! “

At 2:26 p.m., after Mr. Pence was taken away, a call was made from the White House to Utah Republican Senator Mike Lee, according to call logs the senator provided during the impeachment process. .

The president had made the call, but he was in fact looking for Senator Tommy Tuberville, Republican of Alabama. Mr Lee gave the phone to Mr Tuberville, who told reporters that he informed Mr Trump that Mr Pence had just been escorted as the crowd approached the Senate Chamber.

“I said, ‘Mr. President, they just released the vice-president, I have to go, ”Mr. Tuberville told Politico.

This was important new information. House prosecutors used it to argue that Mr. Trump was clearly aware that the Vice President was in danger and that he had a ruthless disregard for Mr. Pence’s safety. Mr. Trump’s defense team had insisted on Friday that Mr. Trump was not aware of any danger to Mr. Pence.

Back in the White House, advisers were trying to get Mr. Trump to do something, but he rejected calls for intercession, including those from people wishing to see the National Guard deployed. The president, several advisers said, welcomed the vote to certify Mr. Biden’s victory was delayed and people are fighting for him.


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