Agent Valorant Astra revealed: abilities, release date, inspiration


Riot Games has been teasing the latest Agent Valorant for weeks, and she’s finally here in the form of Astra, the galactic controller ready to wreak havoc.

Riot Games love to tease Valorant fans. Yoru was one of the hottest agents in the game to date thanks to all the little snippets players saw online.

With little Agent 15 information packets dropped throughout January, the latest addition to the list has finally been revealed.

Meet Astra, the space-themed agent from Ghana. She “harnesses the energies of the cosmos to reshape the battlefields at will. With complete mastery of her astral form and a knack for deep strategic forecasting, she is always one step ahead of her enemy’s next move.

Assessment Officer 15 Astra

Who is Astra in Valorant?

Astra is an end-to-end controller, but it has a very unique playstyle and skill set. As the leaks have suggested, she has the ability to drop “ stars ” (the glowing lights we’ve seen floating around Future Earth) and then manipulate them at will.

With her Gravity Well, she drags her victims into the heart of her neighboring star, which quickly explode and apply frail to enemies. Alternatively, she can use the twinkling lights like landmines that mingle with her Nova Pulse.

It’s her ultimate that’s completely unlike anything we’ve ever seen on Future Earth, however. By giving him the ability to connect two of his stars and form a bulletproof shield, it’s safe to say the ability is out of this world.

Astra capabilities

  • Capacity 1 – Gravity Well: Place the stars in astral form (X). ACTIVATE a star to form a gravity sink. Players in the area are drawn to the center before it explodes, making any players still trapped inside fragile.
  • Capacity 2 – Nova pulse: Place the stars in astral form (X). ACTIVATE a star to detonate a Nova Pulse. The Nova Pulse charges briefly then strikes, committing all players in its area.
  • Signature Capacity – Nebula: Place the stars in astral form (X). ACTIVATE a star to turn it into a nebula (smoke).
  • Ability 4 – Dispel: Use (F) on a star to dispel it, returning the star to be placed in a new location after a delay. Dispelling briefly forms a false nebula at the star’s location before returning.
  • Ultimate Ability – Astral Form / Cosmic Division – ACTIVATE to enter astral form where you can place stars with PRIMARY FIRE. Stars can be reactivated later, transforming them into Nova Pulse, Nebula, or Gravity Well.

When Cosmic Divide is charged, use SECONDARY FIRE in astral form to start aiming at it, then PRIMARY FIRE to select two locations. An infinite cosmic gap connects the two points you select. Cosmic Divide blocks bullets and dampens audio heavily.

Skills Valorant Astra
Riot Games

The stars have never been so deadly.

Astra inspiration

Seeking to create a character based on notions of “African Futurism”, Character Producer John ‘Riot MEMEMEMEME’ Goscicki writes that “to make sure these ingrained elements were properly represented, we worked with a consultant from Ghana on the details”.

As for the Astra design itself, Senior Game Designer Jordan ‘Riot Wrekz’ Anton recalls that “with Astra, we wanted to create a controller that thinks of the whole map. Its global presence was there from the start. From there, fine-tuning was all about finding the right abilities to balance predicting enemy actions and reacting to changing game circumstances.

“We wanted its expression of skill to be collecting information and turning it into a blueprint, where the execution phase is less about precisely targeting a grenade throw and more about seeing if your reading on the enemy goes like you do.” hoped so. “

On a more humorous note, Goscicki writes that “on an odd note while working on Astra’s character selection animation, there was a day when his eyelids got corrupted and were stretching / flying across the screen for all the animation. It was both amazing and disturbing. “

Astra 15 Assessment Officer
Riot Games

Astra’s cosmic division means she isn’t afraid of a 1v5.

Astra release date

Astra will be released with Episode 2, Act 2 on March 2. It comes with the new Battle Pass and all of its cosmetic goodies. Be sure to check back with Dexerto for all the latest news on the latest addition to the Future Earth fray.


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