AI gives Street Fighter V characters terrifying human faces


An AI transforms the face of Street Fighter Zangief's character.

Picture: Siberian_644

While Street Fighter V the character roster is (mostly) meant to look human, obviously everyone has a cartoonish slant since the game has never tried to be photorealistic. Imagine for a moment, however, that Capcom was trying to make everyone look real.

What you’re going to see here are the results of feeding the game’s character models with artificial intelligence, called StyleCLIP, which is probably best described as “Text-driven Photoshop, with all the good, bad and chaos that comes with it”.

StyleCLIP can do all kinds of weird and wonderful things with pictures, but one thing that people have really cared about lately has been giving it pictures of fictional characters and seeing real human faces spitting at each other. end.

This Corridor crew the video from the start of the week illustrates very well what she’s capable of, from the Thanos who is very invested in personal freedoms that you can see in the thumbnail below, to a Geralt who looks … very good , in fact :

But it’s not street fighter, and the title said street fighter, then we are here to street fighter. Siberian_644 (who got the pictures) and Final_Boss (which fed them to AI) teamed up the other day to feed the AI ​​a whole range of character faces to see what it might bring, and while in some cases (Laura, Vega, Chun-Li and Lucia) it does an amazing job, in others it doesn’t.

You see, AI works best when it has a clear look at an entire face and when it can easily find the key IDs of that face to work with. So, characters wearing hats, eye patches, and face masks are a struggle, as are those with features like sharp teeth.

Here are some of the most successful examples:

That’s great ! But like I said, AI is at its best when it has regular hair and a clear face to work with. So Ibuki is … a challenge. Just like Ryu’s headband:

However, I saved the best for last:


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