AI has developed a brand new sport


AKQA created the game by providing data on 400 existing sports to a neural network, which then created the rules and basic sports concepts. A lot of these were completely unrealistic (exploding Frisbees, do you mind?), So the team gradually reduced the eligible features until it remains more than three sports. The tests led Speedgate to win the prize.

The agency even used artificial intelligence to develop the game's logo and its slightly delicate motto ("facing the ball to be the ball over the ball").

Although this sport was created as an exercise for design week, it could become a serious sport. AKQA is talking about Speedgate with the Oregon Sports Authority and there could be an intramural league this summer. The company encourages others to create their own leagues. Speedgate is not likely to replace conventional sport in the hearts of fans, but it is an example of the utility of artificial intelligence even in areas (currently) focused on the human being as the sport. It is doubtful whether anyone would have easily conceived of the concept, even if the underlying concepts are relatively simple.


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