Alabama authorizes use of COVID-19 relief funds to build prisons


Governor of Alabama. Kay iveyKay Ivey Governor of Alabama pushes back criticism for using COVID-19 funds to build prisons Alabama plans to use pandemic relief funds on prison system Dozens of Republican governors call to meet with Biden on the surge of borders PLUS (R) on Friday signed legislation allowing the state to use COVID-19 relief funds to build prisons.

“Folks, this is a pivotal moment in the trajectory of our state’s criminal justice system,” Ivey said at an event where she signed bills allowing the state to use the funds.

“Be clear, while other reforms of the system can and should be addressed in the future – and I agree with many lawmakers – today’s bill dealing with the construction part of this issue. is a big step forward, “Ivey continued.

The legislature opened a special session on Monday to consider a $ 1.3 billion building plan to build three new prisons and renovate others. On the financing, the state would use 400 million dollars of its allocation of the American bailout plan of 1.900 billion dollars to partly finance the projects.

The legislature on Friday passed two bills allowing the state to move forward with the plan, according to the Associated Press.

Ivey’s plan prompted a backlash from Democrats, who said coronavirus relief funds were not intended for prison reforms.

Representative Teri Sewell (D-Ala.) Said she was “deeply disturbed” by the legislature’s plan.

“To be clear, the current state of Alabama’s prison system is heinous, but using COVID-19 relief funds to pay for decades of our state’s neglect is simply unacceptable,” Sewell said. “COVID-19 aid money should be used for COVID-19 aid. Period.”

representing Jerry nadlerJerrold (Jerry) Lewis Nadler Alabama Governor Pushes Back Criticism for Using COVID-19 Funds to Build Prisons House Considering New Debt Limit Vote Tuesday Biden to Raise Refugee Ceiling to 125,000 in October MORE (DN.Y.), who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, sent a letter to the Secretary of the Treasury Janet YellenJanet Louise YellenThe Hill’s Morning Report – Brought to you by Alibaba – Democrats still at odds on Biden agenda Debt fight reignites Democrats’ obstruction with angst Biden signs bill to avoid shutdown MORE asking it to prevent states from using relief funds for the construction of prisons.

Ivey pushed Nadler back on Tuesday, saying the federal government should “be more concerned with avoiding the impending government shutdown and running the country.”


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