Alabama Governor Latest GOP Leader To Urge Residents To Get Covid-19 Vaccines


The Republican governor of Alabama has urged residents to get vaccinated to slow an increase in Covid-19 cases, becoming the latest top GOP official to step up calls for vaccination amid reluctance from conservative voters to vaccination.

“We have to get people to shoot,” said Governor Kay Ivey, whose state ranks poorly on Covid-19 vaccination rates. “People are supposed to have common sense. But it’s time to start blaming the unvaccinated people, not the common people. It’s the unvaccinated people who let us down, ”she told reporters on Thursday. “Let’s do it. “

Earlier in the week, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) Issued a stern warning: “I want to stress in the strongest way possible,” he said Tuesday. “These projectiles need to get into everyone’s arms as quickly as possible.”

The forceful comments come as the Delta variant rocked policymakers and markets. The vaccination slowdown has frustrated health experts and fueled accusations by Democrats that the GOP has not sufficiently embraced the vaccination effort or has failed to counter vaccine skepticism in its ranks.

The increase in Covid-19 cases has affected all states, but is more visible in areas with low vaccination coverage. According to health officials, 99% of Covid-19-related deaths in the United States occur in unvaccinated people.


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