Alaska Airlines flight evacuated to Seattle after passenger cell phone fire


Alaska Airlines evacuated passengers from one of its planes after a cell phone caught fire in Seattle-Tacoma International Airport Monday.

New Orleans Flight 751 was evacuated after a passenger’s phone “overheated and started sparking,” a company spokesperson said in a statement Tuesday.

The plane was waiting at the gate after landing when the phone caught fire. The flight crew used a battery containment bag and a fire extinguisher to extinguish it.

The 129 passengers and six crew members had to be evacuated due to “hazy” conditions caused by smoke.

The passengers slipped on an evacuation slide that had been deployed.

Two passengers were taken to hospital for treatment while the rest were taken by bus to the terminal.

The airport tweeted about the incident, saying “only minor scratches and bruises” were reported during the incident.

The aircraft was towed to the boarding gate and airport operations were not affected by the situation.


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