Alex Jones is sued for his false allegations of hoax Sandy Hook. He accuses "psychosis".


Two weeks ago, lawyers for the Sandy Hook families who were suing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, recorded a three-hour interview with him, a court-ordered formality that, under normal circumstances, would have remained secret until the end of the day. at the end of the libel trial.

But this case is not normal.

Jones – who was censored by Twitter, Apple, Facebook, YouTube and Spotify for his inflammatory rhetoric – used his Web Infowars show to talk publicly about the case and the people who are suing him – the families of the 10 victims of Sandy Hook who were massacred mass shooting at the Connecticut Elementary School in 2012. During one show, Jones asked his lawyer to present his defense strategy.

So, on March 29, Sandy Hook's lawyers made the extraordinary decision to post Jones' statement on YouTube for several hours – in a spirit of "transparency," they said.

"Alex Jones has been trying to do everything in his power to defend his case in the media," said Wesley Ball, one of the lawyers for the Sandy Family Lawyers team. Hook. Ball testified that the evidence was part of a motion filed by Jones' lawyers to ensure that the client had sufficient evidence to proceed in court.

"The best thing we can hope for is to get Alex Jones brought to justice," Ball said. For the moment, he said that they preferred to leave the evidence and the evidence to speak for themselves.

The videos, published in two parts, provide insight into Jones's reflections on the smear campaign he and his agency Infowars had been conducting for many years against the facts of the Sandy Hook shootings, the integrity of the investigation that followed, and the families of the 26 children and educators killed.

In particular, Jones refused to acknowledge whether his actions added to the grief and distress of those who had lost loved ones during the shooting. He asserted that the legal proceedings against him constituted a retaliatory measure against Hillary Clinton's presidential election in the 2016 elections. When he was shown short Video clips of his own TV show, Jones consistently asserted that they had been manipulated or taken out of context.

He also accused his years of misinformation and his comments on the massacre of "psychosis". Jones claimed that years of witnessing from "corrupt" governments and institutions have been deeply skeptical of "traditional media" and the "hidden agenda behind things".

"And myself, I almost had a kind of psychosis in the past where I basically thought that everything was staged, even though I am now learning a lot of things that are not staged." said Jones. "So, I think as an expert, someone who gives an opinion, that, you know, my opinions are wrong. But they have never been wrong to harm people consciously.

Jones acknowledged that he was now thinking that the shooting had taken place and that children had been killed, even after years of "hoax" and crisis survivors' events. "without proof. But, he said that he still believed that there was a "concealment".

"I still have questions about Sandy Hook, but I know people who know some of Sandy Hook's families. They say, "No, it's real." I think people are credible. And over the years, I – you know, especially since it became a huge problem, I had time to think about it retrospectively, "Jones said. "And as this has matured, I have had the opportunity to believe that children are dead and it is a tragedy. But there are always real anomalies in the attempt to keep the problem completely hidden. In general, when you see this in the government, something is hidden. "

During the interrogation, Sandy Hook's lawyers exposed the main conspiracy theories that Jones circulated over the last six years and presented evidence to rebut each of them. Jones acknowledged that some of the so-called anomalies that initially inspired his conspiracy theories proved to be false afterwards. But he stopped taking responsibility for creating these theories; he told Sandy Hook's lawyers that he was only reporting on the Internet discussions and providing a platform for free exchange of ideas.

Jones asserted that the media, corporate lawyers, "the establishment" and the Democratic Party had tried to give the impression that he was obsessed with the Sandy Hook Massacre and that it was his only "identity". , he said.

"I see parties constantly raising this and dragging these families into the mud like real bad guys, conscious bad guys trying to consolidate the First Amendment into the process," Jones said. "I do not consider myself a bad guy."

Sandy Hook's attorneys said that this statement was part of a series of decisions that will help the judge determine if there is enough evidence to move the case forward. If this happens, lawyers on both sides will have the opportunity to accept further evidence in preparation for a trial to determine whether Jones has caused undue hardship to the victim's family.

During the testimony, Jones was asked this question: "Mr. Jones, are you finally ready to admit that you did hurt the families? Asked lawyer Mark Bankston. "Are you ready to admit it?"

"I'm not ready to accept what you and the mainstream media will do to me," Jones said.

Read more:

Alex Jones banned from Facebook? His videos are still there – and his followers too.

YouTube, Apple, Facebook and Spotify Strengthen Law Enforcement Against Alex Jones

Twitter has permanently banned Alex Jones and Infowars


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