Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez applauds the billionaire's offer to repay her university debt, but says students should not have to rely on the generosity of others


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democratic Representative of New York, commented on the offer of billionaire Robert F. Smith to repay the debt incurred for student debt from all the graduates of Morehouse College . count on the generosity of others.

"It is important to note that people should not be in a situation where they depend on the huge charitable act of a stranger for this type of release (aka college should be affordable), this system as it is, "she tweeted Sunday.

Smith, a billionaire investor who founded Vista Equity Partners, made this surprise announcement at the 135th Opening Ceremony of the historic center of the Black University.

"We're going to put some fuel on your bus," Smith told graduates. "That's my class, 2019. And my family is offering a grant to eliminate their student loans."


This extraordinary movement comes as calls for the growing burden of student loan debt across the country are multiplying.

"All students in the 2019 class of the Morehouse class are getting the burden of their student debt through their keynote speaker," said the first-year lawmaker. "This may be the beginning of what is called Econ as" a natural experience. "Follow these students and compare their life choices to their peers over the next 10 to 15 years."


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