Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recalls after Sean Hannity promotes "conspiracy theory" by calling her an actress


Who is responsible for the success of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? Groups of critics and experts from the right have offered a host of plotted responses to this question since the 29-year-old has become a leading progressive voice in 2018. Most of them , it seems, are skeptical about the former waitress's ability the political sense necessary for such a meteoric rise in the nation's capital.

Apparently tired of the barrage of speculation, Ocasio-Cortez responded Friday and Saturday to those who systematically try to describe its success as a political puppet act.

"The last theory of Freudian conspiracy within the GOP is that there is a" secret guy who made me "and that my boss is" in fact "responsible," she wrote. Twitter. "They have a thing right. There is one guy who did me. My father. And my father raised me to control my own destiny and put patriarchy in the [trash]. "

His comments follow two theories that took on weight last week after being amplified by popular right-wing personalities. Sean Hannity, the host of Fox News, gave a boost to this theory, which has directed its approximately 4 million followers on Twitter to its website. In the related article, he incorporated what he described as a "must see" video on YouTube, according to which Ocasio-Cortez is not a "real" Congressman, but an actress hired to play the role.

"I know it looks crazy. But keep with me, "said Raegan, the vlogger of the video, at the start of the 23-minute diatribe, which has been bouncing off the Internet since January 2018." Mr. Raegan ", whose real name is Chris Kohls, then describes a routine process by which political action committees – in this case, Justice Democrats – select candidates to support as an "audition" or a "casting". The title of the video says that it reveals "the real brains" behind his campaign.

GettyImages-1124565017 The American Republic Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) to the Senate Chamber to attend two votes on January 24, 2019 at the US Capitol in Washington, DC. Alex Wong / Getty Images

Also last week, Twitter has left many rumors that the Bronx native is in fact a figurehead of the political maneuvers of his chief of staff, a theory amplified by similar Fox News articles. Ocasio-Cortez said Saturday morning that the network had reached a level of celebrity comparable to that of a tabloid in its tireless coverage of it, calling it a "TMZ AOC".

Republican Republican Joe Crowley's victory in mid-term elections has prompted Ocasio-Cortez's videos dancing at the university and showing photos of her wandering the corridors of legislative offices as the basis of expertise. Fox News negative a "little girl" and a "socialist sweetheart", among other tiny nicknames. The framing has resulted in both L & # 39; Atlantic and politico by publishing a detailed analysis of how it is treated on the network.

Last November, Ocasio-Cortez reacted sarcastically by writing a tweet in Spanish comparing the network's "obsession" to a Mariah Carey song.

"Fox News made it clear that they were far superior and smarter than me, whom they termed" simple little person "," she wrote. "So I'm sure to catch up with myself in spoken languages ​​should not be a problem for them."


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