Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez returns to Ivanka Trump on Twitter


Freshman New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez immediately reacted to Ivanka Trump's criticism of her Green New Deal proposal, saying she knew what she was talking about in terms of wages because she "was actually working on getting tips".

"As a person who has actually worked for tips and an hourly wage in my life, instead of having to learn about it second hand, I can tell you that most people want to be paid enough for live" the socialist darling tweeted.

"A living wage is not a gift, it is a right. Workers are often paid much less than the value that they create.

The congressman born in the Bronx was referring to Trump's comment in Fox News on Tuesday that Americans want to earn their wages, not get help.

"I do not think most Americans, in their hearts, want to receive anything," said the White House advisor. "People want to work for what they have.

"So, I think this idea of ​​a guaranteed minimum is not something that most people want. They want to be able to find a job. They want the opportunity to live in a country where there is potential for upward mobility. "

Ocasio-Cortez followed with: "Imagine attacking a job guarantee by saying" people prefer to make money. "

The legislator argued that the productivity of American workers has increased over the years, but not wages.

"Wages are now so low compared to the real productivity of workers that they are no longer a reflection of the value of workers as they were before," she wrote.


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