Alexis Wilson, a woman arrested for allegedly threatening to "shoot 400 people for fun" at her former high school in McAlester, Oklahoma


A woman from Oklahoma was arrested after threatening to "shoot 400 people by gunshot" in her former high school, according to KOTV, a CBS affiliate. MPs from the Pittsburg County Sheriff's Office seized an AK-47 and an 18-year-old Alexis Wilson shotgun, accused on Monday of uttering a terrorist threat.

Wilson was arrested after MPs received an anonymous message that she told friends and colleagues to work to shoot McAlester High School, authorities said. They added that she had posted videos of herself shooting firearms.

One of the colleagues reportedly told the sheriff's office that Wilson had threatened to "shoot at 400 people for fun".

"You know, it may not have been anything, we do not know it 100%, but we're happy to have it before it turns into something," he said. Sheriff of Pittsburg County, Chris Morris.

Wilson had an AK-47 with six magazines and a 12-gauge shotgun with a spare pocket for extra shells, according to Morris. He added that Wilson had bought the AK-47 last week in a weapons store offering five large-capacity magazines and 160 cartridges.

Wilson went to McAlester High School but dropped out in Grade 9, according to authorities. Wilson denied uttering threats to shoot at the school, but MPs said she had admitted that she had been suicidal and that she was homicidal in the past and that she She thought she was hurting people. She told MPs that she was simply trying to convince a colleague that not everyone who owns a gun is bad.

"Nowadays, you can not say things like that," said Morris. "And whenever something is said like that, we will take it seriously, and we will investigate to the maximum extent possible and make an arrest if possible because we do not want one of our schools to be destroyed, nobody does it. "

Similar concerns for school security also led to the arrest of three students Sunday in California. The three teenagers were arrested for planning a shootout at a school at Desert Hot Springs High School, which was thwarted by police, CBS reported Los Angeles.

Two boys and one girl were arrested on Sunday and their homes were searched after "disturbing messages on social media" were reported to the police. The detectives said they found at home a replica of the AR-15 and two real pistols – a revolver and a semi-automatic black handgun.

According to officials, the replica AR-15 looked like a real weapon of war. "I tell you right now, officers meet him at a school, on the street, someone jumping from a car and pointing at an officer – there's a good chance for a deadly confrontation." "said Detective Larry Gaines. "There is no way of saying that it's a fake weapon without having it in the hands."

The teenagers are in custody and have been charged with terrorist threats.


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