Alfred E. Neuman after Donald Trump used the name to insult the candidate


President Donald Trump on Friday examined his big bag of insulting nicknames and christened Pete Buttigieg, Democratic Party presidential candidate, as "Alfred E. Neuman". However, the mayor of South Bend, in Indiana, said that he was probably too young to understand Trump's joke.

"Alfred E. Neuman could never be president," said Trump during an interview with politico in which he was questioned about Buttigieg.

For those who do not know this name, Alfred E. Neuman was the smiling and comic face of cartoons Furious magazine for about six decades. Although Neuman's face is known by millions of people around the world, Buttigieg was apparently unfamiliar.

When later, 37-year-old Buttigieg was questioned about the president's efforts to include him in the rookie gallery that includes "Joe SleepyCreepy" (Joe Biden), "Leakin & Lyin & # 39; James Comey "," Pocahontas "(Sen. Elizabeth Warren) and" Crooked Hillary "Clinton, he told reporters that he had not understood the joke in the beginning.

"So, I'm going to be honest, I had to use Google, I guess it's a generation thing, I did not get the reference," Buttigieg said Friday. "It's pretty funny, I suppose, but he's also the president of the United States and I'm surprised he's not spending more time trying to save this deal with China."

The mayor was referring to the escalation of Trump's trade war with China, which saw the White House again raise tariffs on billions of dollars worth of products imported from the Asian nation. a move that could cost US households about $ 500, according to an estimate.

In response to Buttigieg's assertion that he owed Google Neuman to understand the president's insult, FuriousTwitter account asked, "Who is Pete Buttigieg? It must be a generational thing."

It was the second time this week that Trump publicly mocked Buttigieg.

"We have a young man, Buttigieg," Trump said at a campaign rally Wednesday evening. "Boot-edge-edge." They say "edge-edge."

"He has a great chance, he will be great, he will be great to represent us against President Xi of China," added the president, drawing antics and laughter from the crowd. "That will be great."

Buttigieg ignored Trump's comment when he was questioned about these remarks.

"You can not worry too much about his name and the games he's playing," Buttigieg said Thursday. "I was thinking of a Chinese proverb that says," When the wind turns, some people build walls and others build wind turbines. . & # 39; "

"You have to recognize that we need something completely different from what is happening in the White House," he added. "The negotiations that they lead, whether on trade or things like North Korea, are usually an uncompromising personal act without a safety net."

In the latest Hill / HarrisX poll on Democratic presidential candidates, Buttigieg is third behind Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders, but ahead of well-known figures like Warren and his colleagues, Senators Kamala Harris and Cory Booker.


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